Cyrahan Ethnicity in Isyra | World Anvil


Peoples of Cyrahain, as well as any peoples who follow the ancient laws as interpreted by the Dahlir.    Being Cyrahan, or "of the people", is simply believing in the tenets of Amalgamism, and following the ancient laws as they were set in the Time Before. Beyond this, there is great flexibility in secondary beliefs and class systems.


Shared customary codes and values

The Cyrahan value non-violence highly. As such, they put much greater value on a person's charisma and mental acuity over strength or bravery. Altruism and forgiveness are romanticized. Cyrahan heroes are often depicted as clever problem solvers who are able to avert violent disasters, heal others, and turn enemies into friends.   Duty is another pillar of Cyrahan identity. The duty of humanity towards itself is held in high regard; every piece of the society plays a crucial role in preserving and uplifting the whole. There is honor in all walks of life, and no one is belittled for their roles in the community. They are all laypeople, and all promote balance. Dahl are revered above the laypeople for their role in maintaining balance throughout Cyrahain, and for the sacrifices that come with their position. In the cases where a elite class exists (in Felmoran and mountain folk communities), the elites often fill psuedo-dahl roles to justify their positions.    Unity is the foundation to Amalgamist beliefs. The Cyrahan believe it to be the greatest source of strength, and what they strive for as a whole. To them, all the tribes of Therosol are part of Cyrahain, and they strive to bring this strength and wisdom to the rest of the Isle.

Average technological level

Iron Age

Common Etiquette rules

Greetings are expected to be reciprocated, regardless of social distinctions.    Guests must offer a host something of value in exchange for being welcomed into the home. In return, hosts must allow guests the first pick of food, lodging, etc. This even extends to the first turns on any games that are played during the guest's stay.    Never interrupt a Dahl when they are delivering judgement.    Cyrah are expected to not publicly denounce or insult other religions. Doing so is seen as an act of aggression, which can lead to physical violence.

Common Dress code

The clothing of the Cyrah vary greatly from region to region. Those communities closer to Felmor and the lands of the Bori tend to dress like the peoples they are closer to, with a mixture of traditionally Cyrahan clothing. In the heart of Cyrahain the peoples shy away from wearing leathers and furs, leaning towards wools and jute. Virydal, a blue fiber extracted from the eastern forests, is a rarer and more sought after material.    Men and women both commonly wear wide-legged breeches reaching down to the ankle, oiled wooden shoes, and heavy cloaks. Fibulae are used to fasten these cloaks together, often made of wood, copper, and bronze. Other jewelry is common, but are traded frequently.    The Dahl wear a long cowl, similar to a poncho over their clothes. They also hold wands or staves, no two of which are alike. On their right thumb they wear silver rings that bear gemstones associated with their order.

Common Taboos

Merely mentioning Dark Magics is taboo, akin to cursing. The Cyrah know that magic is all around them, and that it can be used for all manner of things that can threaten balance. Additionally, invoking the name of a God, spirit, or dead one is similarly akin to cursing.    Any form of attachment from a Dahl to an individual. Cyrahan stories are often rife with romances between Dahl and laypeople. It is even more taboo for Dahl to have relationships with other Dahl.    Murder and violent acts are taboo to the Cyrah as well. The lines for these are easily blurred, especially in cases where manipulation and instigation come into play. Perpetrators of any physical violence against others are shunned by their communities, even after justice has been delivered by a Dahl. Often, those who were implicated in any way to the act are treated with suspicion at best, and shunned with the rest at worst.


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