Plain of the Elephant Kings Geographic Location in Iskatel: Fortunebound | World Anvil

Plain of the Elephant Kings

North of the Bahadur Desert and extending eastward to the Salt Sea, is a vast savannah of tall grasses dotted with the occasional tree and the even more occasional standing stone. The savannah is home to great and dangerous beasts like the lion, the rhinoceros, and the warthog, but it is also home to the Elephant Kings.   The Elephant Kings are a loose collection of semi-nomadic tribes of Terrans who hunt, gather, and trade across the plain. The tribes have taken to domesticating elephants and use them as both mounts and pack animals, hence their title. While ivory is highly prized among the Elephant Kings and among those who trade with them, they do not hunt or kill Elephants for this resource. Instead, they gather ivory from those beasts that have already perished, be it from disease, accident, predators, or old age.   There are no permanent settlements on the Plain of the Elephant Kings, but a traveler crossing the savannah will generally cross paths with the tribes of Terrans at least once on their journey. A traveler is also likely to come across singular, large, standing stones that might seem out-of-place in a large, grassy savannah. These stones are held sacred by the Terrans as conduits for speaking with their ancestors, and with the earth itself.


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