The Siege of Tapli Military Conflict in Ishtora | World Anvil
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The Siege of Tapli

As the city of Tapli grew in economic power thanks to it's position on valuable trade routes. However, this economic clout worried other nearby nations and city states that if Tapli decided to, they could cripple other nations supply lines and their precarious financial situation from their debts to due constant warring. A small yet nefarious coalition was formed, which hired bands of mercenaries and thugs to attack the city to sack it and force the Dulcet Assembly to forgive all debts owed by foreign governments. While unable to take a full vote, the Assembly decided that it was in the best interest of all to resist these savage invaders, and so they voted to resist, to fight. However if it were not for the group who would become the Alderwards, Tapli would have almost certainly became rubble.

The Conflict


Tapli had, ever since it's founding, sat on important trade routes. One to the east where valuable lumber could be brought in easily, another was their close proximity in the north to Plaza and the industrious Duzanteer, and finally where they were on the rivers allowed them to send merchant barges down multiple major rivers. This economic and political power made Tapli a target. Once this brigand army was assembled and brought to the city, they tried forcing their way in to speak to some member of the Assembly but were beaten back from poorly armed citizens. After this humiliating skirmish, the attackers came back in full swing but were once again unable to breach the small walls the city once had, and so they settled in for a siege.


After the unsuccessful attempts to force their way into the city, the brigand army entirely surrounded the city to prevent any relief. The brigands were happy waiting as long as they got paid. While the defenders were mostly civilians on constant watch for saboteurs or the next attack.

The Engagement

Things had stayed almost entirely the same for a year, mostly waiting with the occasional skirmish trying to get the upper hand. But on the second day the group of adventurers that would become the Alderwards attacked the brigand army punching a hole through the brigand's eastern line, allowing the adventurers into the city. At the site of this the brigand army attempted an all out attack. However the defenders of Tapli, now inspired, were driven to route these attackers. Often armed with farming implements like pitchforks they were no match, however under the leadership of the adventurers the citizens fought back, meanwhile the adventurers caused roots to grab the attackers, trees to come to life, and caused the rivers to swallow the attackers. It was not long until the brigand army was routing and dispersed leaving behind their ill gotten goods.


Tapli was saved from ruin, and the Alderwards were formed.


Tapli has become the home of arbitration of dispute within Solanaveldt bwteen any party whether they be farmers or nations, this is because of the safety of the city as well as the fact that the citizens of the Dulcet Assembly strongly favor trading and peace to war.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Third day of Cloudvault, 21 AR
Ending Date
Second day of Cloudvault, 22 AR
Conflict Result
Decisive Victory for the Dulcet Assembly


Dulcet Assembly

Led by

Brigand army


~5,000 citizens (mostly poorly armed & armored) 30 adventurers
~2,000 mercenaries & bandits


1,500 citizens 7 adventurers (including their leader, Drevo)
~1,200-1,700 (exact estimates are hard to determine due to the river carrying many bodies down stream.)


  1. Survive the siege.
  2. Discover who the source of the attacking army.
  1. Force the Dulcet Assembly to capitulate and forgive loans owed by other nations.

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