Dwarves Species in Isesda | World Anvil
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Most Dwarves that are met across Isesda are known as Raivanni Dwarves, sometimes called Low Dwarves. These are the lesser cousins, the offshoot descendants of the ancient Adamanta. While there is little to visually distinguish the two varieties of Dwarf, there is a fundamental difference in their natures. The ancient Adamanta are so immersed in magic they have become like living conduits of the power and are able to channel more effectively than any other race of beings. While the Raivanni Dwarves have retained their ancestral knack for magical manipulation, they've lost that deep, magical essence that marks the true Adamanta.

Basic Information


All Dwarves are marked by their short stature, thus the common name for them, with even their tallest not exceeding 5 feet in height. Despite this, nearly all are built broad and powerful. Their bodies reflect the sturdiness that allowed their ancient ancestors to channel the raw power of the All-Mother into wonders unlike any magic seen in the modern world. They tend to have greyish, often weatherbeaten skin reflecting their mountainous homes. A keen observer will also note their slightly larger hands and feet as well as powerful legs, all designed to help with climbing. Whether these traits were magically enhanced in the society or developed through natural evolution has long been a debate among sages.

Growth Rate & Stages

Adamanta lifespans are difficult to track due to their reclusive nature in modern times and their ancient mastery of the secret art of chronomancy, but it is said that their lives were as long if not longer than the ancient drakes of Dralis. Modern Raivanni Dwarves still live extensive lives, with an average lifespan ending after 500-600 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves have a natural affinity for higher altitudes and rocky terrain, so most make their homes in and about the peaks of mountains. The ancient cities of the Adamanta were crafted amongst the peaks of the Adamant Mountains, thus their name. They use powerful enchantments to manipulate the landscape to better serve their needs, but all Dwarves, even the common Raivanni Dwarves, pride themselves on their ability to build alongside the natural world rather than atop it like the Humans or Goblinkin would. For this reason, Dwarven cities weave in and out of the rocks in majestic, sweeping arcs and follow natural lines.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Many Dwarves are known to have developed a sweet tooth, particularly if they have lived among the other races of the world for an extended time.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Adamanta: Adamant Mountains in Raiven
Raivanni: Across Raiven, Forven, and the Reman Islands.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Adamanta are said to have an inherent ability to see magic in the world around them and even track by its echos. While the Raivanni Dwarves have no such ability, they are still keenly aware of the flow of magic and pick up its function quickly.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

On Feykith: "Fey creatures in general can be a pleasure to encounter, but all the same I would keep my eyes on them and my hand on my purse."

On Goblinkin: "Little beasts that aren't worth the attention it takes to smash them, and it takes more these days with how they've spread."

On Beastfolk: "This lot make sense. That doesn't mean I want to invite them in for tea, but I can at least understand their reasoning."

On Humans: "I'd like to like your average human, but honestly they're more akin to pets than friends."
500-600 years
Average Height
1.3 meters
Average Weight
95 - 110 kg

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