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Nalfein Baenre

Written by RiverFang

Weapons Master Nalfein Baenre

Men have no power here, at least according to the women. But we have more power than they dare think.
— Nalfein Baenre
  Two figures dance, with blades glinting in the light. The taller shadow allows himself a short laugh as he disarms the other one, before swiftly drawing his blade beneath the other’s feet and watching her fall to her back. Peals of laughter ring in the dark room as he lifts her up, brushing each other off before beginning the dance of blades again. In this single moment, father and daughter share a power that is foreign to them, a power of independence from the Matron Mother that does not exist here.   Nalfein Baenre is the weapons master of House Baenre, nothing more than the man Matron Zilvra chose as the father of her children. In a world of powerful women, he has no power here, he does not control his own life, his destiny is dictated by the woman that leads his house. But his lack of power does not mean that he does not pull strings for others. For a man with no power, he controls and changes the lives of his children, out from under the sway of Matron Zilvra.   He directs the trade that goes through House Baenre, but he also directs people, leading the grandchild of Selsvir Llanowar towards his own daughter. When Zilvra pushed her to become a priestess, to show and practice the magic that was so abundant in their family, he turned her path, pointing her to the life of the blade and discipline far beyond the women of Eryndlyn.   Against the will of Matron Zilvra and her puppet strings, he forced her hand and turned the destiny of his daughter Miz'ri away from the desolate life that Zilvra and her following led, indebted to a lifestyle of suffering of others for a small gain. At the detriment to his own life, he pulled strings and held a power not allowed to men of the Underdark. In his secret power, he changes the destiny of his youngest daughter, to a destiny far outside the confines of Drow society.


Family Ties


Current Location
Date of Birth
30 Winter's Evening, 328 I.M.
Year of Birth
328 IM 628 Years old
Dark blue
Long, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, obsidian
180 lbs
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Nalfein Baenre by Portrait via Portrait Workshop, created by RiverFang


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Aug 3, 2020 13:39 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really love the writing in this article. You've done such a great job with it. I love Nalfein too - he's a great character.

Emy x
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