Senate of the People's Democratic Republic of Mars Organization in Isaac Atomic Solar System | World Anvil
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Senate of the People's Democratic Republic of Mars

These 18 members are rather unimportant on the wider stage of the PDRM Governance, existing mostly to elect the president and just as the representative of certain large communities in the government who may otherwise be forced to form parties.
These 18 are obviously heavily biased toward the large settlements, with:
5 from Utopia
3 each from Phoenix and Phobos
1 from Air Cyrus (may become 3 soon)
1 each from Deimos, Endevour, Pax
1 from Aleph Station and New New York combined
1 from the confederation of large settlements
1 from the confederation of small settlements

Mostly, the Senate will simply veto or make changes to a couple of bills they feel are unnescessarily harsh to the larger settlements, but overall they try to stay out of the limelight, as there is growing public sentiment for the entire house to be abolished. However, it is seen as a bulwark against the formation of explicetly settlement based parties (i.e. the Utopia Interests Party, which, with Utopia's 36% of the population, would be substantial). It also provides some power to the more midsized settlements, which would be overshadowed by the biggest by population and the smallest by number.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament


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