Red Makka Ordym Character in Irrum Vath | World Anvil
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Red Makka Ordym

The Kobold "Red" Makka, clan-lord of the great and propserous Ordym, has long had a singular driving goal in life: Prevention of a war among his people.   The splitting of a clan as big as Ordym is not a subtle or unexpected thing. For the largest communities, it is an event that can be seen coming decades in advance. Its omens are seen in the counts of newborn offspring and the curve of plotted harvest yields. Bickering and jockeying for a preferable position among splitting clans is a matter than can consume entire lifetimes and ruin families.   Red Makka will have none of this; no ruination nor domination of the lives and livelihood of his clan in the pursuit of fragile supremacy over others. His clan must split, any can see that, but he is determined to make it such that there will be no war between the haves and have nots left in in the aftermath.   Such ambition is a deeply private thing to Red Makka. Among the wealthiest Kobold clans, posturing and boasting is a favored currency of interpersonal politics. The richest clans are proud. Their strongest leaders are the ones who project strength, who can reward those who are loyal. In these circles, there is almost no greater failure than being seen as too easily turned by the opinions and pleading of others. Unfortunately, such a mindset leaves the qualities of patience, understanding, and an open mind appearing all too much like weakness at times.   And so Red Makka lets those around him play their games, letting them think he is competing in the same arena they are. To outsiders, he lets his reputation as a humorless bastard and bean-counter grow a life of its own, a twisted shadow of himself that hangs over all the stories told about the clan-lord of the Ordym. Within his own clan, he plays a slower and subtler game. He gains the love of his people through prosperity and through victory over bandits clans and monsters. He is fair to them, or at least as fair as is useful in balance of politics. He listens to many profess their loyalty, and carefully tests any who do to see how true such words can be. Through these methods and more, he finds the smiling fools who will stab sister and brother alike in the back to take a step forward. He deals with such persons as necessary, and seeks out those cooler heads and rational minds that will serve the clan better in positions of power. He seeks loyalty in his followers, but not to him, or even to the Ordym. Rather, he seeks loyalty to the people and to the very idea that power is best used to serve.   On and on, he lays his plans and whispers what needs to be said to those who need to hear. Soon now, in coming years, the Ordym will split. And when that day comes, Red Makka of the Ordym will not stand to suffer any violence among those who it is his duty to lead.


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