Olba Shadowclaw Character in Irrum Vath | World Anvil
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Olba Shadowclaw

Unlike the vast majority of kobolds living in Irrum Vath Obla Shadowclaw was not born there. She is from a tribe outside the mountains that was wiped out and came to Irrum Vath as a refugee.   Olba is an overly friendly kobold who helps everyone she can. She extends this kindness to everyone without prejudice even those that are rude or outright mean. She tends to pick up whatever odd jobs she finds available on account of her friendly nature.    She's a bit of an oddity among the kobolds due to her complete lack of combat skills. There are many strange wonderful and terrifying creatures in the depths of Irrum Vath and all kobolds, Olba included upon her arrival to the mountain, get basic training to defend against these creatures. Olba however blundered this training fabulously. She also tends to blunder most other activities she participates in. These failures don't discourage her, however. She keeps trying, though other kobolds will hold her back from doing anything to dangerous or delicate. Her tendency to bumble tasks has led to her being shunned and left her relatively friendless, she lives detached from the other tribes a rarity among the close-knit kobolds.   Olba is very softspoken and fluffy, even for a kobold. She is easily identifiable by her lighter fur pigment than that of the other kobolds of Irrum Vath. This is understood to be a characteristic of her original tribe.


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