Dire Weasels Species in Irrum Vath | World Anvil
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Dire Weasels

Dire Weasels, domesticated by the Kobolds, are large four-legged, thick-furred creatures that have been used for hunting, travel, and protection. Their history is intertwined with the Kobolds, having arrived on the mountain shortly after the dragons died off, and forming a symbiotic relationship with the Kobolds. Dire Weasels can reach up to 8 feet long, and 500 pounds, making them sturdy companions for all of the Kobold quests. Their furs naturally occur in a variety of neutral colors and patterns, with some Kobolds deciding to customize their Dire Weasel as they see fit with different natural dyes- mostly originating from ground-up fruits and insects. Dire Weasels are fiercely loyal to their Kobold companions, having been known to be hostile to foreigners to their homes. A strong connection between Kobold and Dire Weasel prevents the situation from getting out of control.   There is a rare chance of a Dire Weasel Lycanthropy, occurring in roughly 1 in 10,000 Kobolds. With how rarely this occurs, and stigmas surrounding the Lycanthropic Kobolds, not much is spoken about them, other than what Kobold elders tell children.


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