The Rangers Organization in Ironlands | World Anvil
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The Rangers

They call themselves bodyguards, and for the most part they are. But that is really just a nice name for "mercenary", and they all know it.


They are technically headed by Montgomery, but in reality he and Taig share leadership.

Public Agenda

They will take any job that doesn't sound too disreputable, and doesn't break the laws of The Republic.


They consist of the three archers, two warriors, and two stealthy fighters. Other than this, each of the members has a mount, and each of them is fully armed and equipped.


Founded in 3278 by Montgomery, they have been operating in the western parts of the Republic ever since. Currently, they are under the employ of Isabella Montague, and accompany her on her expeditions into the borderlands.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Notable Members

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