Isran Character in Ironlands | World Anvil
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Isran Ashenta (a.k.a. Isabella Montague)

She is not Isran anymore, or at least that is what she tells herself. Now she is Isabella, a researcher and a magician. Were it not for the inconvenience of immortality she might even be able to forget Isran, but some things can never be truly erased. Not forever.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She looks like any other traveler you might meet on the road: not too tall, sturdy build, dusty clothes. But she could set you on fire with a snap of her fingers if you gave her reason to.

Body Features

Her skin is light brown, often darkening a little in the summer sun. Her hair is glossy and black, and would be a little wavy if she let it out of its braid. She isn't overly muscular, and is somewhat thick around the middle.

Facial Features

The angles of her face are fairly soft, but her features are fairly pronounced. Her lips are a little thin and her mouth is wide. She always has a serious expression, her brows angled down a little over her eyes.

Special abilities

As a God King, she is essentially immortal. It would be almost impossible to truly kill her, as she is super-humanly strong and durable. However she tries to avoid being in situations where she must rely on these powers. Instead she utilizes her formidable magical abilities, using elemental magic to ensure no opponent will get close enough to discover her godhood.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears dark trousers and a red shirt. Over that she wears a cloak with a swirling red and black pattern. She carries a pack over shoulder.

Specialized Equipment

She has a staff marked with arcane runes, and in her bag she keeps several texts and magical tomes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in the Ashlands before the fall. In her original life she was a devoted subject of Ashmuri, and served under him as a lieutenant. As with many of his officers, she ascended to a form of "godhood". In the final days of the great exodus she betrayed him to the monks and then went into hiding. She has lived transiently since, trying to avoid forming strong connections. During this time her morality and outlook on humanity shifted, and she has come to care deeply about her fellow humans. This has led her to investigate a string of mysterious murders in the western segment of The Republic with the backing of the council.

Gender Identity



A lifetime spanning over three thousand years has allowed her to accumulate vast amounts of knowledge, both profound and trivial.


She began her journey to "godhood" as a lieutenant of Ashmuri, then became a nameless traveler for several thousand years. She is currently under the employ of the high council of the republic as a magical investigator tasked with finding the parties responsible for several mass killings in the western provinces of The Republic.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She led directly to the final defeat of Ashmuri, something she is both proud and ashamed of. In the years since she has become a very skilled and knowledgeable magician.

Failures & Embarrassments

Though she was initially proud of her service of Ashmuri, perspective has revealed him to her in all of his hideousness, and she holds great shame at having once willingly participated in his blatant sadism. She sees her service as a great failure of judgement and morality on her part.

Mental Trauma

The destruction of the great kingdoms is still fresh on her mind, even three thousand years later. It troubles her deeply, both because of her willing participation, and because of its worrisome implications about human nature.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is very intelligent, and extremely knowledgeable. She enjoys knowing things, and always strives to keep her information up to date.

Morality & Philosophy

She has come to appreciate each human life as precious and worthwhile in its own way, in direct opposition to the ideology of the God Kings. What once she saw as trivial she now sees as most paramount to meaningful existence, that being the uniqueness of each life, and each moment in life. She does not believe that there is any grand end goal to existence, but instead that things only have meaning so long as one is present in them.

Personality Characteristics


She simply wants to exist in peace alongside her fellow humans. However she has begun to suspect that the God Kings are not actually as dead as she had hoped. This suspicion has driven her investigate odd occurrences around the Ironlands.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is very good at most magical fields, but does not practice spirit magic or necromancy unless she has a very good reason. She is a good horsewoman, and is skilled with twin daggers, though she no longer uses them.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes gathering information and reading. She also likes using the information she has for good. She dislikes any form of cruelty, and will take action against necromancers or other unethical magic users.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is very patient, very smart, and knowledgeable. She is also good at teaching others what she knows if she doesn't think they will misuse the information.

Vices & Personality flaws

Though she greatly values the life of every person, she is somewhat jaded in her opinion of most people. She expects the worst of people, and is thus slow to trust, and even slower to share information, even if it may be useful. Sometimes she is so protective of her identity that she puts others in danger to avoid being revealed.


She is very particular about hygiene and cleanliness, but tries to avoid getting in the way of others.


Contacts & Relations

She has a network of contacts in intellectual institutions across the Ironlands, and several friends in high places. She currently employs The Rangers as guards on her travels near the wilds.

Social Aptitude

She can be quite charming, but more often than naught she hangs back, keeping people at a distance. Despite this she is very perceptive, and usually learns more from conversations than her conversation partners think they are letting on.


She tends to fold her arms and hang back, listening on the edge of conversations and rooms.

Hobbies & Pets

She reads extensively, gladly spending time on any text she can get her hands on, from arcane tomes to trashy romance.


She has an unidentifiable accent that she can't quite hide, making her sound almost aristocratic.

Wealth & Financial state

She is neither rich nor poor. During her long life she has saved some money, but her current efforts are funded by The Republic.
Divine Classification
God King
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Betrayer
Year of Birth
120 3300 Years old
Brown, thoughtful
Black, and kept in a long braid
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

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