Taros Species in Iron Stars | World Anvil


Race Mechanics https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/Sy7Urk9Q4
  The Taros Confederacy Formed from the broken remains of several plains dwelling tribes that had fought themselves to cultural extinction, the Confederacy exists now to ensure all of Gudrun lives in peace. They were, until recently, fighting a war for survival against arguably the most advanced tendril of the Underhill Collective.
  Pre-UNW Colonial intervention ended the threat, and with the Underhill routed, old rivalries begin to emerge, threatening to split the alliance once again.
  Physically, the Taros are pale, tall, and pointed in ear. Elfin in appearance, they also usually sport at least one piece of minor cyberware, if not more. Their natural biology has evolved over time to allow them to ignore the minor neural strain that would come with mounting a device, though those that choose to gather yet more cybernetic enhancements will find themselves taxed as normal.
  New Capabilities, New Mysteries In the recent past, the Taros Confederacy had not found any MES users among its ranks. This was thought to change someday as more and more of them interact with humans, and find themselves traveling the dangerous spike routes of the galaxy.
  There had been some reports of Taros manifesting strange 'MES adjacent' abilities throughout their own history, though these ancient hedge wizards and 'freaks' were often kept hidden from a populace that did not understand them. The incidence of an MES sensitive Taros was very low and explains why the race survived The Scream entirely intact.
  Contact with the space faring Greenbriar, and later United Nations of Worlds exposed Taros soldiers, marines, and sailors to metaspace more directly through the use of Spike Drives, and by 2667, Taros psychics and magic users began to emerge at about the same incidence as human ones.
  Taros Culture Taros from the cities of Golgis and Vapormills have Russian or Slavic leaning names, where those from Carinhold, Bladonna, Stratopoli, Atrovia, and Egons have a more cosmpolitian blend of 'nationalities'.
  The Taros do not have a central religion. The governments of the former city states, and now the United Nations of Worlds do not push or recognize any official religion.
  Bladonnan Taros worship nearly anything they believe might merit a spiritual presence- what human scholars would call animism.
  There is also occasional mention of a Taros Pantheon. Currently the only known Goddess is Ognyena, or "She of the Celestial Fire".


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