Slyth Species in Iron Stars | World Anvil


Race Mechanics   The Slyth The Slyth are a proud race of four armed alien snakes, that have been in the galaxy for thousands of years. When humanity was beginning to understand the finer points of metalworking, the Slyth were beginning their first experiments with nuclear power.   Slyth society came to a screeching halt when a virus engineered to stop an internecine conflict spread beyond any sort of containment measure- exterminating both rebel and loyalist with indiscriminate ease. Slyth survivors sealed themselves into cryo-capsules as the last of their brave scientists worked to develop a cure. Only now, with humans on the planet Gudrun finishing their work, and curing the first of what would be several survivors, have they returned to the galaxy.   Post-Scream Slyth The Slyth have returned to find a galaxy that has largely moved on without them. They struggle to find a place for their small enclave in the now human dominated galactic affairs. The Slyth have accepted the decline of their race and now strive to rebuild and serve as mentors- setting an (In their opinion) good example for how the rest of the galaxy should model itself.   Slyth are polite in their dealings with other sentient races, at times almost disarmingly so. Though they prefer to discuss and mentor others through problems, they do acknowledge that physical force is sometimes necessary, and have proven on more than one occasion to be sublime warriors.   Their attitudes may change over time and it is possible to find Slyth with all manner of opinions over the current state of the galaxy as events proceed.   Slyth, Psionics, and Magic The Slyth were on the verge of understanding MES as humans and other more sensitive species now do. Ancient evidence in the form of paintings, carvings, and statuary depict Slyth priests using a magic like force against the alien Fleshshapers at some point in their history.   Their understanding of these abilities is perhaps more patchwork than those species who have remained part of the universe over the last centuries, though with all things, the Slyth show a strong desire to continue learning.


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