Shalini Geographic Location in Iron Stars | World Anvil


  • Breathable Atmosphere
  • Stable Temperate Biosphere
  • TL4
  • Millions of Inhabitants
      Shalini is a world claimed by the Piggen. The Piggen here are the several generations removed of an old refugee fleet fleeing north from the former core worlds claimed by the Piggen in hundreds of years past.   Shalini was first contacted Post-Scream by Dr. Truffles in March 2668, at which point it was on the brink of conflict. The Tri-Crown Alliance, an aggressive group on the planet's western shores, was eagerly making plans to oppose the Knights of the Order of the Sunburst for ownership over the remaining eastern half of the world. However, war was avoided, and uplifting projects have begun as the planet modernizes under the UNW banner.   A shaman community inhabits the southern reaches of the planet, and have spent their days trying to recapture the literal magic of the Piggen's past. Recent investigations have led to the discovery of some of these secrets, including the Piggen art of rhuncrafting, and several shamanic sanctuaries that are being restored as part of ongoing cultural projects. Most significantly, in late 2668, it was determined that a continent once home to powerful Piggen mages had fallen below the seas, formerly lost forever. Explorations of this Lost City of Piglantis promise to unlock more secrets of the Piggen's shamanic heritage, and provide clues to what happened to the shaman of the planet.   In December 2669 The Lamplighter Foundation managed to finally access a hidden stock of Preceptor knowledge they had been keeping for an uplift like Shalini, and the process was a success by all important metrics. The Piggen of this world are beginning to enjoy a modern culture and the modern comforts that come with the technology they lacked.  

Points of Interest

  The Tri Cities of the Triple Crown Alliance is an umbrella term given to three mighty Piggen fortress-cities that occupy the plains south of Piglantis. These sweeping plains are surrounded by mountains and those inhospitable peaks are the homes of deadly creatures that even packs of Piggen warriors would struggle to bring down. Each city consists of a central keep, with the settlements around them expanding out in planned districts to be encompassed by walls of stone.   Technology has not changed the architecture of the cities, but the walls now bristle with communication antenna, and Piggen sentries use modern binoculars and night vision to watch the countryside instead of spyglasses and torches. Wide streets have been created and paved to accommodate vehicle traffic, and a few drones move from destination to destination within the walls carrying goods and messages.   Piggen farmers now use tractors and modern hand tools to keep the fields plowed and otherwise in order, and a few brave pilots flying cropdusters ensure pests are kept away from the growing population's sources of food.


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