Rose of Avalonte and Karsongenerix

The majority of the tale has been lost to time. This is a legend of the Mithrilheart Elected Monarchy from its early days as a polity.   In the time when the planet was newly colonized by the ancestors of everyone living here now this planet was very far from the cradle world of Earth and from the authority of the government there. The Kost system was at the fringe of the great Terran Mandate and later the Tenebrian Empire and remained well out of the way of the war that preceded The Scream. Aside from the lockdowns in the wake of the disaster much of life on Kost has remained as it always was and elections, electors, and self rule was something that was always part of life, a way for people to organize themselves while paying only nominal homage to the distant authority of Earth.   The settlers arrived to find a world where beasts thought to be only myth and legend, and some not covered by either existed. This drake was one such creature that had all of the qualities of both strength and intellect that the mythical drakes from Earth were known to have. At first a fierce but fair overlord of the surrounding woodlands, as generations went on so did the dragon's greed grow and dozens of settlements in the surrounding area were reduced to shells of themselves paying tribute. A hero rose from the people, Rose of Avalonte , a settlement now lost to time. Her white armor was a symbol to all and it was under her leadership that the drake and their human followers were defeated.   Such was the connection that the drake had to the land that even in death its influence corrupted the surrounding woodlands causing unrest in the creatures that were normally docile, and ruining the crops grown in the area. Though Rose of Avalonte fell in the final battle, it was said that years later an order of nearby monks who were tending to the wounded and dead during the great battle were enlightened and shown how to bind the tatters of the dragon's essence into the bones, freeing the land from the last cusps of the drake's evil reach.


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