Chief Researcher Azog Character in Iron Stars | World Anvil

Chief Researcher Azog

Sub- Director Azog is Director Kincaid's most senior analyst. Originally seconded to the expedition, circumstances have forced him to step back from working only on Kincaid's projects, and focusing more on the scientific advancement of the colony as a whole.   'The Scream' raises a lot of questions, and Director Azog seeks to transcribe and store as much information as possible. Much can be lost, and Azog will fight tooth and nail to keep humanity from regressing back into a new dark age.   Azog and Ignacio recently preformed a dangerous experiment that looked directly into the minds of some of the alien creatures- using a dangerous pre-tech device. He is currently compiling a report, and the directors are eagerly awaiting the results.   the report detailed the Underhill communicating with something akin to a hive mind. He tirelessly developed a series of explosive devices using a mix of conventional and chemical munitions. Freed from the demands of war, Azog looks to spend his time improving the colony.       War was something that would once again find the colony a few months later. Most of the research focus has shifted to psionic research, and the associated technology. Azog has seen his own department shuttered, and funds shifted away from his work. He resents the stiff treatment after so many of his own personal morals were crossed for the good of the colony, and is growing increasingly bitter towards the Kincaid Administration.   He has since taken a job with Trivedi Technologies, though has remained behind to oversee operations despite its namesake Charles moving to work more directly with the Communist Brotherhood of Stellar States.


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