Iron crusade JBSW formed.

JBSW formed.

Political event


The French Republic and United Kingdom respond to reemergence of thaumaturgy by joint actions.

The sudden emergence of thaumaturgies surprised the world. But nobody was suprised more than Entente. With their tanks massacred by techmaturgy-improved artillery, they had to react. Unlike many countries that started creating their own, personal organizations dedicated to study of the new power, the Entente decided to make a joint attempt.   Which, admittedly, would be a first truly joint attempf ot the alliance (the lack of centralized command between British and French forces caused many unneeded casualties) if not for the fact, that the organization was still divided into main 'departments' for each of the Entente state, and the internal rivalry was intense.   The effect was the creation of a Joint Bureau of Supernatural Warfare that incorporated the brightest minds, best soldiers and most ingenious engineers that the United Kingdom and French Republic could find. Soon most of the other countries of the Entente joined up, if only to gain access to the state-of-the-art techmaturgies, and participate in the research.