Iron crusade Rozwadowski's Northern Offensive

Rozwadowski's Northern Offensive

Military action


The Kingdom of Poland initiates a major offensive on the eastern front.

With the situation in the west more or less stabilized, the Kingdom of Poland looked east for the first time in a while. Piłsudski's ambitions weren't limitless, but still quite big. Out of necessity - he had to ensure that the Kingdom was strong enough to not be dismantled by the Central Powers after the war ends. Because of that, he - unlike the other leaders of Central Powers - was thinking offensively in the terms of Eastern Front.   Only after the front between the Central Powers and GGR stabilized, the plan drafted by general Rozwadowski (close co-worker of Piłsudski and one of the most offensive-minded generals in Poland) could be taken out of the drawer and revised. It was a two part plan, that - if succesfully executed - could mean major change in the situation of the Central Powers.   The first offensive was directed at the Baltic States and eastern Belarus. It was supposed to push the borders forward mostly to establish a defensible position that would prevent the Reds from a major counteroffensive from the north when the second part of the plan would be initiated... while simultaneously making the Reds redirect their attention north.   The main assault was planned to start at north-eastern Poland/eastern Lithuania and continue north, hoping to cut off some Red forces in the Baltics. It was supposed to be done with a unique tactical doctrine, by a significant task force composed of tank formations and mounted infantry (moving on horses, but fighting on foot). It was supported by an aerial offensive (that completely supressed the Red airforce in the area while disorganizing their ground forces), and attacks done by more 'conventional' armies on the front from the Baltic Sea to northern Ukraine.   The offensive managed to surprise Reds and cause panic on the front. It was made even worse by the fact that the main assault group didn't wait for infantry, as the tanks could run by using techmaturgic power cells alone, that could be - if the need arised - resupplied via aircraft. All planned objectives were achieved, and soon enough the Baltics were liberated completely, while the front was pushed eastward in Belarus quite far.   Thus prerequisites for the Southern Offensive - an attack at Eastern Ukraine, with the hope of capturing the vast industrial powers of the Donetsk Basin - were cleared. In a way that seemed so easy and quick that German forces participating in the offensive at the Baltic area dubbed it the blitzkrieg. Paul von Hindenburg was immensely impressed and began formulating plans to use it in an attempt to break the stalemate on the front with the GGR.