Iron crusade United States joins Entente.

United States joins Entente.

Political event


The United States of America finally decides to join the Great War.

The United States had participated in the Great War for a while now, supplying The Entente with much needed resources - including ones of decidedly military nature - despite the German U-Boat actions on the Atlantic Sea. It was yet to join the war openly, however, with its population heavily invested in its isolationism (though one that didn't expand to Central and Southern America).   The reemergence of the Outsiders and the Second Battle of the Marne was the breaking point. The world was rapidly changing, And the US had to accept that. What's more, the Outsiders in America were relatively backwards in terms of techmaturgic capabilities, forcing the US to come closer to the Entente to achieve access to more modern techmaturgy.   This led to increasing tensions between the Central Powers and the US, finally culminating in Germany resuming the unrestricted submarine warfare in 1919 to curb quickly spreading US-Entente trade. Soon after, the US finally declared war against the German Empire (citing the unrestricted submarine warfare as a reason) and joined Entente as a co-beligerent (but not a member).

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Great War Timeline
Continent - America