Iron crusade Tesla joins US government

Tesla joins US government

Political event


Nikola Tesla, a genius inventor and natural-born magician, joins the US government.

To answer the new situation that occured with emergence of thaumaturgy, a brand new Derpartment of US government was created - a Department of Thaumaturgy. It was supposed to control and oversee all US attempts at exploiting new technological and military possibilities.   Finding a person to lead it, was troublesome. Many debates were waged in the Congress. Finally, a rather unlikely candidate was chosen - Nikola Tesla, a slightly eccentric but undoubtedly genius scientist that was found to possess one of the best natural aptitude to thaumaturgy among the already screened part of US population. Far surpassing the entirety of american Outsiders.   Tesla received a significant budget that he was supposed to spend on initiating and leading many projects targeted at unlocking power hidden in thaumaturgy and techmaturgy. While far from being easy to work with, he was a genius that improved the technology of the US by leaps and bounds.

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