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Stalwart mortals endure the hardships of a world torn asunder. The sky is blistered by the terrible magic of Long Night and now tethered by the power of the Spire. Ancient strongholds, kingdoms, even the Ley Lines have been brought low.

It is the dawn of a new age of magic and storms.

From the fortress of Highgate and Wurdgrym, survivors resettled the land of Irindor. Legends are made on the discovery of a ruin of the Old World, the mighty monoliths of an age of magic empowered by ancient Dead Magic.

After the Ley Lines shattered, the remnants of its power spread like a cancer through the land of Irindor. Narsai and the pilgrims returning to their home are choked by the poisonous Mystrium, and the mighty powers who seek to use its powers.

New kingdoms have risen in the ashes of the old world, survivors of Argantus and Sya'nau have resettled the remains of their ancient homesteads.Dwarves from Argantus and Wurdgrym battle and seek the ancient city of Throne, eager to restore the line of kings. While the Elves fight a bitter battle against the Voss occupying the north of their homeland, desperate to defend their mighty tree of Mythnara. Humans quickly settled and claimed land from the Orc tribes that hid in the treacherous Old Kingdom caverns, forced further south into the mountains by the city states which were ultimately betrayed and brought to heel by king Kregen and the city of Vathrius.Those who fled the wars between the Dwarf clans and the Human cities respectively, found themselves lost in a fog choked place of Antaeus. Where the fog and the cold brought troubling dreams of a many eyed goat that reveals unsettling truths, nightmares that wake even the dead.

Many pray to gods, both dead and watching, for salvation and deliverance. The Gods were not spared the horrors of Long Night however, and few survive to watch over the Sphere. While some care for their pious servants, others remember the mortals' design to be measured, weighed and counted as coins for their divine politics. There is no peace for Irindor, or the Sphere, at every turn there is Strife.