Xeher Character in Irindor | World Anvil


The Mind Forger

A Firstborn God who sacrificed itself and their creations to preserve the Unity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Xeher was a crystalline construct, similar to the Shardlings itcreated. where the Shardlings were bipedal, Xeher was a small  prism of roiling psionic potential and divine power that was orbited by several large geometric shapes that the Firstborn manifested at will.

Body Features

Xeher's body was at once solid crystalline lattice and flowing divine energy.

Special abilities

Xeher was able to influence the minds of those around it after spending so long studying Pain. after Tharyzdons destruction, Xeher studied Entropy as well to hone their abilities for combat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xeher was among the first to awaken upon the first breath of creation, along with the other Firstborn gods, Titans, And Chaos. Xeher is the one who imbued Asmodeus with self awareness, after a great deal of effort studying Pain following its capture. Tharyzdon held conflicting views of Xeher's work, to the Warmaster the Angels were tools of war and granting them sentience beyond their station seemed cruel. when it came to a vote however, Tharyzdon was swayed by Asmodeus who proved instrumental in a number of Firstborn victories against their foes.  Xeher's affinity for creating wholly unique personalities was the first step towards the forging of the Mortal Planes. as the enemies of the Firstborn were brought to heel, the conflicts and differences between them were highlighted. After Tharyzdon nearly slew a fellow Firstborn Asmodeus and Oros sought a way to avoid the Firstborn tearing themselves apart. Xeher and the other Firstborn set about creating Mortals upon the newly constructed Inner Planes. Tharyzdon refused to create, as he called them, slaves to glorify their creators and resumed his watch with Asmodeus. As Tharyzdon and Asmodeus fell the Firstborns creations were struggling to survive against the Dragons that had feasted on remnants of Primordial energy during the planes creation. While Xeher's creations were tending to the deep places of the world, ensuring no corruption from Chaos or evil penetrated the Fell, the others struggled for survival. by this time the Firstborn had shattered, and were plotting to use their Mortals to eliminate the others. with Asmodeus bound to Baathos and Tharyzdon dead there was no way to rewrite the Stones of Fate. when the Shardlings prayed to Xeher for guidance, the Firstborn urged its children to sooth tensions between the other Mortals as best they could. The War between Dwarf and Giant lead to catastrophic results, diminishing both races glory and sparking a blood feud between their creators. The following conflicts between the Elves and the Dwarves led the Shardlings to commit the unthinkable, as they sought to enslave the other Mortal races, obliterating their self awareness in many cases. Xeher had lost control of its creations, they were convinced that the other Mortals free will was inherently dangerous to the rest of creation. with a heavy heart, Xeher began to cull their children, possessing its High Priest and forging an Avatar the Firstborn destroyed every Shardling until none remained. With the Seat of the Firstborn in disarray there was no possibility of forging a new race bound to Xeher, who in essence was destroying itself. the Firstborn faded away shortly after condemning its creations to extinction, leaving the depths of Irindoth in the hands of the Dwarves.


Xeher studied the Titan Pain in order to learn the effects of awareness.

Accomplishments & Achievements

First among its kin to forge a being with free will and awareness.

Failures & Embarrassments

Xeher's first creation, Asmodeus, went on to become the ultimate evil in many eyes Xeher's Mortal Race very nearly enslaved the rest of Mortalkin, forcing the Firstborn to destroy them and itself.

Mental Trauma

After Asmodeus Xeher felt personally responsible for many of the Angels actions, perhaps feeling he'd miscalculated when constructing Asmodeus. in its attempts to create a perfect and sensible race he created one of Irindoths greatest threats and was forced to exterminate them.

Intellectual Characteristics

Xeher was clever, and curious, often he would focus on tasks for eons until their completion. the Firstborns interaction with Pain lasted the majority of the Dawn Wars.

Morality & Philosophy

Xeher saw the many facets of the Firstborn as their greatest strength. where the faces of Chaos and the Primordials were all too similar to one another, each of the Firstborn held a unique perspective and methodology. this was what led Xeher to their crusade to give all their creations the same freedoms and intellect as their masters.

Personality Characteristics


Sentience for all the Firstborn creations, and free will for those as well.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Xeher was strangly apathetic, unable to gauge emotional states, having to probe their mind for clues. the Firstborn seemed the most distant from their kin and creations.
Divine Classification
Dead God
Lawful Neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"we were fools to think the Titans could be contained so easily, even bound we are undone. how long until the Seat of the Firstborn lay empty? how long after that until creation begins to unravel."


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