Sya'nau Elves Ethnicity in Irindor | World Anvil

Sya'nau Elves

a collection of elven reffuegees from the ancient kingdom of Sya'nau, now Ravan, carry their tradions proudly while seeking to reclaim their ancient birthright.


Culture and cultural heritage

Sya'Nau has been occupied by the Shadowvar and Ravan Dark Elves for nearly three elven generations, as such they now wander the world as refugees. though many return to Ravan in an attempt to fight and reclaim their homeland from the occupying forces. Sya'nau elves hold great respect for nature, rarely eating meat instead harvesting berries,roots, and fungus for nourishment.

Shared customary codes and values

Sya'nau elves revere nature and praise the world spirit, the living essence of nature and the world itself. as such they go to great lengths to avoid disrupting the world spirit, forging their homes into the world rather than damaging it unnecessarily, and when they hunt for leather or harvest ironwood they ensure to use the entire animal and tree to respect the world spirit.

Average technological level

Elves have little in the means of technology, using potent magic to draw resources from the world without disrespecting the world spirit or Umerans legacy, though they are potent artisans and their weapons and armor coveted around the world. even dwarven craftsmen respect Elven worked blades.

Common Etiquette rules

Sya'Nau elves are passionate nomads, they tend to be more comfortable in the dirt and mud surrounded by natures splendor than holed up within city walls. despite this they attempt to be respectful of other cultures, so long as that respect is offered in kind.

Common Dress code

Sya'Nau elves have different styles for different families, high elves historically enjoyed long elegant dresses,suits, and armors of pearl white, regal blue and gold. while their wood elf cousins enjoyed being even closer to nature, dressing in leather armor and plant fibers carefulyl grown into padding and silk clothes

Art & Architecture

it is uncommon for Elves to harvest lumber and stone, instead using powerful magic to forge their structures directly into nature itself as they see it as less intrusive and destructive.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Sya'Nau Elves are expected to return to Mythnara to join with the world spirit upon their 800th birthday.during this time they bid farewell to friends and family as they journey to join the world spirit in a serene ritual where they are petrified inder the massive tree in Mythnara. every year the Elves celebrate the birth of the World Spirit, the day they believe the world became aware, and the first sentient mortal was born.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

elves preffer to give birth under the Soul Tree in Mythnara, as this is where the child is expected to return to rejoin the world spirit eight centuries later.

Coming of Age Rites

a child is only considered an adult when they pass the trial of elders, satisfying the historical leaders of their people that they have attained emotional and spiritual maturity. this happens most often at 75, though elves of nearly every age have passed the rite.

Funerary and Memorial customs

if an elf dies before their 800th birthday, the elf is mourned and burried under the Soul Tree in the hopes those memories can be added to the world spirit. a funeral dirge is sung for six nights recounting the details of the fallen elfs life so that those who hear it may one day hopefulyl add the memories to the world spirit on their behalf. if an elf reaches their 800th birthday they are expected to return to the Soul Tree in Mythnara to return to the world spirit, their friends and family gather to bid farewell and return the body to the earth as the spirit joins the sky.

Common Taboos

an elf who passes beyond 800 years without returning to Mythnara is often shunned from their people, as are those who knowingly slay another elf.

Common Myths and Legends

it is said that the god Umeran was slain during the forging of the world during the fall of Asmodeus, and his body came to forge the World Spirit. each elf is thought to carry a fragment of the world spirit and therefore Umeran himself.   Laenara the great grandaughter of Umeran, would be cast out from the heavens and her children banished for acts of heresy, the Sya'Nau consider her a betrayer as she attempted to corrupt the world spirit for selfish reasons. when she was discovered Cradan her lover had her and her kin branded and exiled to the abyss.

Historical figures

Daralei who sacrificed herself to heal the injured Soul Tree in Mythnara, she was consumed in light that saw the fires from orc blackfire die out and mend the burnt wood and branches.

Major organizations

many Sya'nau elves consider themselves part of the Kalvarni resistance, an effort to reclaim the ancient lands of Sya'Nau from the Dark Elves and Shadowvar
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