Naga Khen Character in Irindor | World Anvil

Naga Khen

The Hydra. right head is Naga, left head is Khen

The powerful ruler of the Sons of the Hydra, he's been seen leading each of the hordes of Mutants bearing the banner even when they are thousands of miles apart.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Naga Khen is a large terrifyingly powerful creature, who's been seen shrugging off even the most powerful of blows.

Body Features

Naga Khen is an incredibly tall humanoid with deep yellow skin and black, rock like claws upon each hand. their right arm and chest has a series of eyes that make it difficult to sneak up on the giant. upon their chest is a large X shaped scar from where they were thought to have been mortally wounded.

Facial Features

Khen, the giants left head has a singular eye and a beard of writhing tentacles.

Identifying Characteristics

Naga Khen has a number of mutations, including a series of large eyes about his right arm, chest and back. Two heads, one of which has one large cyclopian eye and a beard of tentacles. thick yellow hide that is difficult to damage, and a broad X shaped scar across its sternum

Physical quirks

Naga Khen have a habit of speaking at the same time, where one has a very tactical mind, the other is clearly insane gibbering on about nonsense.

Special abilities

Naga Khen has been seen to absorb and redirect magic aimed at him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Naga Khen has only been seen leading the Mutant Hordes that bear the mark of the Hydra, in each instance he gave a speech listing a great number of demands that the enemy refused, before he attacked. he was thought slain before appearing several years later leading another Horde again calling itself the Sons of the Hydra.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Naga Khen was thought to have been slain during the first Mutant rebellion. somehow he escaped death prompting rumors of immortality or regeneration. though many in Krogar suspect the reports of his death were simply exaggerated and now the mutant plays upon the failure to properly slay him.

Failures & Embarrassments

Naga Khen led thousands of Mutants to their death during the first Mutant rebellion, and was thought slain. and while he survived its clear that the failure stung the mutants greatly

Mental Trauma

Naga Khen has two distinct personalities, and they can often argue and debate or turn violent upon each other wounding their shared body.

Intellectual Characteristics

Naga has been shown to be cunning and patience, while Khen is more impulsive and joyful. the trait that they both share however, is that they are brutal in battle.

Morality & Philosophy

Naga Khen embraces each Mutant as a brother or sister, claiming that Mystrium Mutation will unify the world under its glow. while most view mutation as an affliction or disease, Naga Khen encourages those blessed by Mystrium to take pride in their abilities and see it as a gift.

Personality Characteristics


Naga Khen seeks to turn everyone into a mutant, so that the prejudice against their kind will end. they also see mutants as superior to normal mortals as they are highly resilient to Mystrium toxicity.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Naga Khen can be overwhelmed at times, as they struggle to share the body, Khen in particular can be irrational and eager to launch into the thick of battle.

Vices & Personality flaws

Naga is calm where as his "brother" Khen is unstable and violent.

Personality Quirks

Naga Khen have difficulty honing their message, as Khen seems to hallucinate and gibber about his madness.
Naga is Neutral Evil, where as Khen is Chaotic Evil
right head green, left head blue
thin black hair on the right head, and bald on the left
348 cm
282 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"we are the voice in the night, and the world shall hear our voices" "the Hydra survives even the most grievous injury, where one head is slain many take its place, we are sons of the Hydra, as we can not be slain by decapitation for another will become the Hydra in our stead."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Naga Khen have been seen speaking Common and Dwarven, during their brief negotiations with those they assaulted.


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