Mythlys Character in Irindor | World Anvil


Goddess of Magic Myra Thylas

The now deceased Goddess of the Arcane

Divine Domains

Arcane, Knowledge, Justice

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Mythlys symbol was inherited from her predecessor, a Blazing Azure star in a runic circle though her's was shattered at several points to make it appear like a starburst.

Tenets of Faith

Clerics of Mythlys were few and far between, as the Godess drew power directly from the Ley Lines rather than prayer of mortals.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Mythlys had a tendency to forget what she was saying mid sentence, and struggle to remember fine details, often forgetting important events.

Special abilities

Mythlys was attuned to the Ley Lines in such a way where she was never at a loss for power to draw on the Arcane.

Apparel & Accessories

Mythlys crafted a set of Robes from Divine Essence and Deep Crystal which absorbed magic and allowed her to amplify her own already considerable abilities, the Robe appeared as if it was made from azure light and lightning, dancing across her flesh like gossamer threads of energy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mythlys was born Myra Thylas, to a family that traded frequently with Elven neighbors for goods. Myra would be tutored by the Wizards that lived in the Elven community at the behest of her parents, though before her 20th winter Myra would be struck by a bolt of Arcane Lightning following the death of then god of magic Adohr during the Heavenly Wars between celestials of law and chaos. she would remain in a near death state for some time until her body acclimated to the sudden infusion of Divine Essence, ascending to Godhood instantly aware of the Ley Lines that permeated the Universe and how they wove together to form the network from which the Arcane was powered and balanced. Myra mind had been scattered and damaged by the sudden Divine Essence, causing memories to become blurred and damaged, and so she pieced together the fragments of her name she could remembered and pressed on as Mythlys. After the Catastrophe in Narsai with Nefar Ka Ahm, Mythlys divide a great portion of her Divine Essence into four Wizards to aid her in not only protecting the Ley Lines but to safeguard from events similar to the demonic invasion in Narsai. Mythlys, however, chose talent rather than virtue as her guiding force and placed her trust in Amnul who showed great promis in the Arcane. Amnul would go on to create a number of horrific spells and wars forging the Empire of Khoven to serve his goals, and causing Mythlys to lose faith in humanity for a time, aiding the three remaining Archmagi and their Successors in destroying the Khoven, and undermining Amnul's attempts at power. Mythlys would often accuse Iribus of manipulating events on Irrindor to his own benifits, such as the corruption of her chosen mages in Amnul. Mythlys and Iribus would have a number of battles, as Mythlys attempted to overpower the Lord of secrets, only to discover that while she was indeed more powerful Iribus held a number of secrets that prevented her from destroying the God, no matter how many times she obliterated the Avatar. shortly before Long Night, Iribus sued for peace with the Goddess, in return for peace he would offer the lost memories of her mortal life, something she'd never managed to recover in centuries of study. Iribus, true to his word, restored the memories of the Goddess leading her to the place of her rebirth as Mythlys, forcing them both into mortal forms where she was far more vulnerable than the Masked God. It was here that Iribus struck, paralyzing the Goddess and trapping her within his demi-plane for the entirety of Long Night, Until Iribus Ignited her Divine Essence to destroy the Ley Lines just as the Ascended re-united the Planes of the Great Wheel, devastating the nature of magic forevermore.


Mythlys was tutored by the Elven mystics near her birthplace before being infused with Divine Essence, from there her understanding of the Arcane was unmatched save for perhaps Iribus.


Studen of the Elven Mystics Goddess of the Arcane

Accomplishments & Achievements

Mythlys instituted the Archmages who would safeguard the world from misuse of magic, in an attempt to prevent another event like the one in Narsai.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite good intentions, Mythlys made an error in trusting the Wizard Amnul, who would become a blight on the world by abusing the powers Mythlys had given the Archmage.

Mental Trauma

Mythlys suffered from severe memory loss after her infusion of Divine Essence, scattering her mind in a way that made it difficult to focus on salient details, as well as moments where her memory felt altered in a way leading to moments of paranoia.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite her damaged mind, Mythlys was a clever Wizard, and Goddess of Magic using her powers to influence more than just the Ley Lines.

Morality & Philosophy

Mythlys primary goal as goddess of magic was to safeguard the Ley Lines, which were protected by her Divine Essence, though her human nature also led her to care for the world surrounding the Ley Lines on the Material Plane.

Personality Characteristics


Safeguard the arcane Ley Lines, and assist in the defense of the Material World.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mythlys memory was infamously terrible.

Likes & Dislikes

Mythlys despised cruelty, and the powers of necromancy, often dampening the powers of necromancers when she noticed them drawing from the Ley Lines. Mythlys also, for some reason, wasn't fond of anything overly sweet.


Social Aptitude

Mythlys wasn't fond of gatherings, or of Oros who would often attempt to draw council meetings of the Gods.


Mythlys would point and stutter during conversations, as she struggled to remember and focus her thoughts into a coherent sentence.

Hobbies & Pets

Mythlys loved dogs, to the point of granting a puppy she found upon being reborn as a Goddess with immortality to live with her in the Astral Plane in the Nexus.
Divine Classification
1304 9098 7794 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Mythlys was Chosen as the new Goddess of Magic following her Predecessors death at the hands of Itdar, God of Conquest, before then she was an aspiring wizard with a penchant for illusions.
Circumstances of Death
Mythlys was imprisoned by Iribus during the Long Night, and eventually killed her to shatter the Ley Lines, though his reasons are yet to be explained.
Violet blue
silver with blue streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
173 cm
73 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"i can't remember where this place is...but i can feel it if that makes sense does that help?" Mythlys in response to her Archmage questioning the location of the Nexus.


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