Adohr Character in Irindor | World Anvil


The Azure Star, God of the Arcane

The First God of Magic.

Divine Domains

Arcane, Balance, creation

Holy Books & Codes

Adohr kept a stone libram of notes and spells that the God of Magic acquired over eons of study over the nature of Arcane.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

While Adohr required no worhsipers, there were many Wizards who payed respects to the God of Magic and denoted a blazing azure star in a runic circle of flames.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Adohr's only goal was to maintain the balance of Arcane Magic in the Planes, particularly the Material Plane where they were most vulnerable.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adohr was a brilliant azure star, a pulsing nebula of energy. Many of the Firstborn and their Creations did not have physical forms until they anointed themselves Gods, but Adohr was one of the few who did not take on such a form.

Special abilities

Adohr was a nexus of power and magic, where the Ley Lines flowed through the God of Magic to allow Adohr to regulate and maintain the Ley Lines stability. there were no spells that Adohr was unaware of being cast, and many mages refer to the time the Ley Lines existed as the age of High Magic, where entire nations could be lifted into the sky on floating islands.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adohr was a Celestial Angel during the Dawn Wars, who served under Samael in seeding the creation of the Planes. in particular Adohr was tasked with binding the elements of destroyed and bound elementals and other Outsiders into the creation of Irindoth. Adohr was a scholar, and took diligent notes of the various experiments and attempts at influencing life to blossom on Irindoth with his brother Samael. When they were recalled to fight in the Dawn Wars, the anomaly of Arcane Magic was created during the death of two powerful creatures near the Inner Planes. This would spark the birth of the Dragons and the raw magic they consumed from the death of the Celestials. This new power was unlike anything the Firstborn had encountered, it was a combination of the Dead Firstborn and the Elements from Chaos unhewn. The Dragons and this Chaotic Magic threatened to consume the creation of the Firstborn, and so it was decided that one of the Gods would be charged with managing this destructive force. The Gods, who had recently had their first taste of infighting with Tharyzdon, were weary to give any other Firstborn absolute power over this dangerous new discovery. Eventually it was decided that one of their creations would be risen and empowered for the task. The decision came down to Asmodeus, Samael, and Adohr. Asmodeus declined the offer of power, while Samael made a plea for Adohr to be gifted the powers to study this new phenomena. Samael argued that Adohr was a better student, and had a scholarly mind where as Samael was more of a grower of things and not as suited to the task. Adohr accepted the charge, and was the first being risen to Godhood outside of the Firstborn, something that would later be added to the Stone of Fate to allow for Gods to be chosen and risen by other Gods in times of need and should any of them be Slain. Adohr's immediate observations of the nature of Dragons were alarming, the beasts grew in power at a commensurate rate, every passing day they grew stronger. If the tide of Magic wasn't stemmed, they would soon pose a threat to the Firstborn and their ultimate goals for the Planescapes. To avoid this, the newly titled God of Magic set about containing the unstable energies of Magic and forging it with his own Godly essence to form the Ley Lines. Crystaline structures that wove through the Multiverse but existed in a physical state on the Mortal World to contain the source of this chaotic anomaly. The addition of Arcane Magic would prove to be a vital asset in the conclusion of the Dawn Wars, a source of power that the Chaos Beasts could not consume or manipulate. When the Stone of Fate was constructed to bind the Gods to their oaths, and prevent outright war between them should another disagreement arise between the Firstborn as Tharyzdon had nearly done, Adohr was exempt from many of the stipulations. While the title God of Magic existed upon the stone, Adohr was not required to draw power from Mortal worshipers, or other means of Divine Essence. The position of God of Magic was meant to be a neutral one, a duty of preservation of the natural order the Firstborn had established. Other Gods would gift Adohr portions of their Essence from time to time, particularly as the war with Dragons and the first Mortals raged on. Following the Death of Tharyzdon and the fall of Asmodeus, the loyalty of many of the Celestials were called into question. lines were drawn, and the Seat of the Firstborn was abandoned so that each God could forge their own celestial domain. Adohr stayed neutral throughout the remainder of his life, as was required of him by the Stone of Fate. Even as law of the Stone was eventually broken by Evil and Chaotic Gods like Laenara and Itdar the God of Magic refused to take part in these petty squabbles. Adohr was dedicated to the maintenance of the Ley Lines and the study of Magic, and so the god had no followers or celestials to aid in its defense. When Itdar hunted down the God of Magic with the intent of stealing Adohr's powers over the Arcane, there was a great battle in the Higher Planes that drew brilliant azure thunderstorms on the Material World. eventually overwhelmed by Itdar's armies Adohr was slain by the God of Conquest, causing a shockwave through the multiverse as Adohr sent the last visages of his power into the first Mortal he could sense attuned to the Ley Lines. This Mortal would replaced Adohr as the Steward of Magic, Myra Thylas who would rename herself Mythlys after losing her memories in the sudden shock of ascension.


Adohr was infused with a great deal of Knowledge during his creation in the Seat of the Firstborn, to study and learn the ways of the Planescapes to aid in the creation of the Planes.


Adohr served as an assistant to his brother Samael during the seeding of the Material Plane, studying his brothers various experiments with worlds that served to produce life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Adohr was the first non Firstborn god, and would go on to create the Ley Lines from which all Arcane Magic as we know today is founded upon even after it was shattered during Long Night.

Failures & Embarrassments

Adohr's strict adherence to the Stone of Fates laws left the god defenseless during the Celestial Wars and ultimately led to an avoidable death.

Intellectual Characteristics

Adohr was patient, and studious, existing before the concept of time was bound to the Stone of Fate Adohr was unbothered by the passage of time.

Personality Characteristics


Adohr was devoted to the study of the Arcane and the maintenance of the Ley Lines.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
0 1323 1323 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Itdar during the Celestial Wars of the Higher Planes.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Eons pass like days, yet both are illusions the Firstborn created to bind Atrophy to their will."


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