Wan Ethnicity in Iria | World Anvil


The Wan are a matriarchal society wholly devoted to their Goddess Enkyth. Very few Wan worship any other God's though they are known to celebrate aspects of others in Enkyth's name. The females, once they have had at least one child, are allowed to take part in Enkyth's Rite. This Rite grants them their resistance, eternal life and cursed status.

Secretive but accepting, the Wan places loyalty and honesty above everything else. The secrets of their race, especially Enkyth’s Rite are rarely shared with anyone including those within their society. Aside from this, the Wan is, for the most part, very family orientated and generally place their family above all others, especially any daughters.  
Before the rite, Wan typically look similar to the Ilcians, the main difference being their darker ashy skin colour and more ‘unnatural’ eye colours. Like the Ilcian, they are a beautiful race often cited as having no imperfections in their skin. Many of the other races say there is something unnatural about the way they look and after the rite, the unnatural is almost off-putting but they cannot pinpoint why.

While their appearance doesn’t change much after their rite there are a few unique differences between younger Wan and the elders. Many other races claim that there is a sense of death about an adult Wan, their skin is slightly ashier, their eyes are dimmer, and their hair can seem less shiny. To the touch, none of these features feels any different, though the appearance can make the Wan seem unnatural to other races.

Most Wan have Black, blondes, whites or silver hair and black, red, purple and pink eyes, some are further blessed by Enkyth. Those further in Enkyth’s favour tend to have striking green eyes that almost seem to glow from inside, and are favoured by others in the race. These people tend to be in high ranking positions within the city, or are clerics or Paladins of Enkyth which grant them a closer bond with the goddess.

Wan is a far more practical race in their clothing choices, given the darkness of their island and the overrun woods that surround their home, the Wan rarely wear anything loose that could catch or snag. The same goes with bright colours and anything overly shiny as it stands out against the starkness of their home. The only exceptions come during the rite when intricate, flowing robes are worn adorned with riches as gifts to Enkyth.  
Wan is a very secretive race, keeping to themselves most of the time, though some do venture off Starfall island, keeping up alliances and bringing back mostly willing males. As a rather young race and with their chose isolation they can find it far to understand many of the other races and their deep cultures or views. In saying this, most Wan are happy to just live and let die accepting the differences in the world.

To Wan death is just something one must conquer to really begin living. For the females who will go through the Rite, dying is just the proof of how far one is willing to go for their god, and those willing to risk eternal slumber are those blessed with Enkyth’s blood in their veins. This can make the Wan seem fearless to many others. While this is mostly true there are many things that a Wan will fear. Most male Wan are very aware of their role to the race also appearing rather cold and emotionless like many other Wan.

For any Wan who has never left the island and only heard stories about the main island, they can seem clueless as to how the world works for others. Spending most of their time focused on surviving off the lands, expanding their race or doing anything they can to service their goddess, most of the way the world functions is clueless to them.  
Wan is rare in Iria, not just because they are a relatively new race but because of the nature of their being. Being blessed with a portion of power from a deity is not something many deities take lightly. With the exception of the Wan and the Cas, a deity generally only grants one or two people a portion of their power. Unlike the Cas, the Wan is granted a portion of blood from Enkyth granting them immortality. Many races are put off by this and thus see the Wan as unnatural and evil. These negative views from other races have kept the Wan rather close on their own island within their own city away from the hatred of races that don’t understand them.

Miz and most of Starfall Island have been magically adapted to suit the Wan way of life. There is little farming in Wan society with most focus only on the cultivation of animals for those unworthy, or too young, to take the rite, keeping those healthy enough to then feed the wan who have completed the rite. Most creatures on Starfall island are not seen anywhere else, mutated by the dark overrun conditions on the island and selectively bred to be the most nutritious with the least cost.

While the Wan respects the differences between themselves and other races there is a strict divide in gender amongst the Wan. While men aren’t treated like slaves, they are often unable to get high ranking positions being left to manage the farms, cooking, and other simple tasks. Some males are granted the luxury of being a ‘guard’ for one of the priestesses or high ranking families of the Wan, with even fewer being granted the honour of the rite and being granted immortality. Males who receive Enkyth’s blessing are treated no differently to the highest-ranked females in the town. The older a female is the more respect they a granted from others, as well as those from the original families.

The same gender divides are less notable when the wan is dealing with the other races. They are aware that they are the only race with such gender views and accept that men of other races are not seen in the same way their men are. Unless they are bringing the men back to Miz they are treated considerably better and with more respect than Wan males. They will still, out of habit mostly, listen to females over males if the option is there for them to do so.

Because of their dependency on the men in the community protecting them is one of the most important things to the Wan. Any act against one of the males in the community is about the only time the Wan seek any form of Justice for things. Most other things are dealt with privately and often only between those that it affects. Anyone outside the community that does something against the community is normally punished without any chance to speak for their actions. Those that aren’t killed for these acts are often kept to be used for blood.

Because of their connection to Enkyth and her closeness to her people, the Wan venerate Enkyth at every chance they get. There are many rituals and festivals in Miz that all Wan participates in, even those away from Miz will make sure to celebrate as if they were home. Even with this connection and love of Enkyth they accept and respect other gods and the right for others to worship other gods. Rarely will a Wan worship another god, though they can respect different aspects of those gods.

The Wan has a unique view on relationships between themselves, the gods and the other races. They are open and accepting of other races and cultures, enough to not dislike them for their differences but not enough to make friends with everyone. Likewise, they have respect and understanding for the gods and what they stand for but they will rarely thank or pray to another god over Enkyth.

Amongst their own kind, it is rare for a Wan to form an intimate relationship be it sexual or otherwise. There is a familial bond between all females who have taken the rite with all of them seeing themselves as daughters of Enkyth. Those who will take the rite in the future are somewhat seen the same way but they are seen somewhat more like a cousin than a sister. There are few Wan who do form romantic bonds with people, but considering the shorter life spans of the males, many of the females don’t want those kinds of connections.  

Ability score increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age: Wan are considered adults at 16 years of age, and can live forever. Those who don't go through the ritual live around 750 years.
Alignment: Blessed with Enkyth’s blood, most Wan are evil, and often Lawful following Enkyth’s creed.
Size: Your size is Medium
Speed: Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Darkvision: Your vision can easily cut through the darkness. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic damage.
Charm: You target one Humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you. If the target can see you, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw against this magic or be charmed by you. On a failed save the target is considered charmed by you. A target charmed this way is a willing target for your bite attack. Each time you or your companions do anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or if you take a bonus action to end the effect. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Trance: Wan don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a Thaxian does from 8 hours of sleep.
Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Day Walker: Daylight walkers are unique in that they aren't affected by the sunlight. This is due to the fact that you are created by means of a ritual and not by being killed and reborn.
Natural Weapons: Your weapons and body are one and the same. Though the use of them is natural to you it is also a means by which you cannot hide. People can be uncomfortable with the signs of the Wan, bite marks, claw-like nails.
Bite: On a hit, the target takes 3d6 necrotic damage, and you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt. Until the spell ends, you can make the attack again on each of your turns as an action.
Regenerate: You regain 5 HP every turn until you reach 7th. It then increases to 10 HP until you reach 15th level. It then increases to 20 HP. Radiant damage negates this effect for one turn.
Language: You can speak, read and write Common and Wan.
Elvandra Illiir, The First Priestess
Size Medium
Type Undead
General Information
Deity Enkyth
Vision Darkvision to 120 feet
Average Lifespan Mature at 16, Immortal | 750
Homeland Miz
Language Wan
Average Height Male: 4'7 - 5'2
Female: 4'8 - 5'5
Average Weight Male: 90 - 147lbs
Female: 77 - 113lbs
Skin Colour Pale, Ashen
Hair Colour Black, Blonde, White, Red
Eye Colour Black, Red, Purple, Pink
Distinctions Pointed ears. Cold skin. Pointed canines. Unnatural beauty
Notable Wan
Elvandra Illiir
Jevan Duskryn
Ilmara Duskryn
Saton Fretyl