Ilcian Ethnicity in Iria | World Anvil


Ilcian are a long-lived race found most commonly in forests, shrublands, and other wildernesses. From time to time the Ilcians organized strong nations, though with far less frequency than the Thaxians, in some cases adopting even a nomadic lifestyle.  
Usually, Ilcians are a naturally slender and athletic race. They have a similar range of complexions to Thaxians. Often, Ilcian hair was dark, either brown or black, although orange or even green hues were not completely unheard of. Ilcian eyes are commonly brown, hazel, or an emerald green. Ilcians are fair and beautiful, handsome, and had pointed ears and no body hair except eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair.

Ilcians matured at roughly the same rate as Thaxians, though they were not usually considered past adolescence until they reached 100 years of age. Unlike Thaxians, Ilcians do not age dramatically as their lifespan came to a close, with the most obvious changes being a change in hair color, alternatively graying or darkening. Most Ilcians remained healthy and full of life up until their death, which, if age-related, was usually nine centuries.  
Ilcians commonly possessed strong but swiftly passing passions, being moved easily to laughter, anger, or misery and as quickly calmed. They are known for their impulsive behavior and, as a result, many races saw them as flighty or impetuous. However, Ilcians were not as flaky as others might interpret them to be, and they were typically responsible despite their almost whimsical nature. Partially due to their long lifespan (though not entirely, since many long-lived races acted differently), Ilcians had difficulty taking some matters as seriously as other races, but when threats they recognize did arise, Ilcians were strong friends and allies to those they were loyal to.

Ilcians tended to make strong and uplifting friends. Most Ilcians loved simple joys such as dancing, singing, footraces, or contests of skill. They had a natural aversion to that which they saw as uninteresting tasks and were fun-loving by nature. However, despite how unpleasant some things such as war could be, Ilcians became grimly serious if a threat to their friends, family, or livelihood made such actions necessary.  
Ilcian cities were magnificent marvels of elegant architecture made of wondrous towers and structures that blended seamlessly into places of natural beauty. Many Ilcian cities were found in locations where the border between the Prime and the Feywild was particularly thin, the deepest reaches of ancient forests. Ilcians live in grace with the touch of magic found throughout their lives. Ilcian practices of all sorts were influenced by this from dance and song to swordplay and wizardry. The cities of the Ilcians were stunning locations of beauty, formed and shaped by the blending of magic with graceful and elegant designs.

Age and Wisdom are highly regarded to the Ilcians. Like the Silan's, they respect their elders and the elders of many of the other races taking comfort in the learned wisdom. They are not seen as infallible, however, and Ilcians will speak up if they believe an elder is wrong. They have respect for one another, and for the natural order of the world, shunning those who chose to venture on paths that go against that. Despite their isolation they are a very open and accepting race and often look to other races to further their knowledge for the greater good of the whole community.

There is a royal family within the Ilcians, and while they are revered it is more for what they have done for Nar Revar and the Ilcians than the blood in their veins. If a royal leader was seen to be lacking, Ilcians will find others to turn to until a new royal could take the place or until the current leader can prove their competence.

Ilcian Justice is quick and follows a strong set of laws. Laws have punishments and the severity of the crime and therefor the punishment are decided by a council of elected officials (normally elders) who are impatial to those involved. The council always has more members than it needs for a hearing to ensure there are always enough members to sit in on any case. In the very rare occassion this isn't possible the Queen will sit in in their place and is sworn to be imparital.

There are very few crimes between the Ilcians themselves, and those Ilcians who chose to resort to a live of crime are normally exiled or simply never caught. They are aware that crimes happen they cannot punish the criminal for, but most of the laws seem to be enacted against those of other races either just visiting or who have made permenant residence within the Ilcian cities.

Ilcian's are one of the most religious races in Iria. The number of temples they have for worship to different deities is rivaled only by the Cas. Even those who are 'unnatural' have a place within the Ilcian homes, though they are rarer. Their main deity is Ysia, but many are avid followers of Olissa, Haster, Arx, Lida, and Lisanna. Some Ilcian's have trinkets passed down through they family of dieties who others simply don't know about.  

Ability score increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age: Ilcian are considered adults at 100 years of age, and can live up to 1000 years of age.
Alignment: Most Ilcians are Neutral
Size: Your size is Medium
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision: You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Resistance: You have resistance to psychic damage.
Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Trance: Ilcian don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a Thaxian does from 8 hours of sleep.
Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Language: You can speak, read and write Common, Ilcian and 1 other language.
Queen Faelana Feldrenne
Size Medium
Type Humanoid
General Information
Patron Deity Ysia
Vision Darkvision to 60 feet
Average Lifespan Mature at 100, Old at 1000
Homeland Nar Revar
Language Ilcian
Average Height Male: 5'0 - 6'1
Female: 4'7 - 5'8
Average Weight Male: 125 - 210 lbs
Female: 92 - 185 lbs
Skin Colour Pale to golden tan
Hair Colour Various
Eye Colour Various
Distinctions Unnatural Beauty
Notable Ilcian
• Faelana Feldrenne
• Aelen Wildfate
• Syllen Fieme
• Farris Wildfate