Ias Ethnicity in Iria | World Anvil


Ias are the mysterious western neighbours of the Irn and the Wan. Unless you've visited their home land you've likely never seen the true form of the Ias as they rarely leave home unless disguised as one of the other races. Even in Xita many will take on a less unsettling visage especially if they know that people will be visiting. Because of their ability to change their appearance many of the Ias are untrusted by the other races, even those they have close bonds with becuase of the possibility of them being able to disguise themselves so easily. There are many stories around how the Ias came to be, from blood curses to tricks from the gods, and the Ias are often the first to spread elaborate stories themselves about how they came to be what they are and how their abilities work.  
Ias can look like almost any of the other races. As long as the race is a a medium creature the Ias can near flawlessly capture their appearance for themselves. Their inability to copy the divine markings of the gods makes it impossible to the apparent glow that the Cas have and the shadowy form that the Ali have. It is also possible to tell them apart from the races they try to imiate by other significant traits that might be hard to imitate or replicate beyound the visual. Aside from this it is impossible to tell that an Ias is anything but that they protray themselves to be.

If you happen to see an Ias in their true form it is a very different matter. Ias are almost completely colourless, or have muted or light shades only. Their eyes are often pupiless and either white or black in colour. Their skin is nearly white, and their hair is much the same or in some rare cases they come across with faint pastel colours. It is because of this unnatural image that the Ias very rarely show their true form around any of the other races, sometimes going so far as to never change into their true form.  
Because the Ias often wear different faces at different times a lot of them have varied personalities based on those faces. The appearances that an Ias uses most often will have entire histories about them, different names, personalities and outlooks depending on what that appearance is most used for. The other faces that as Ias might chose are simply masks and can let more of the natural personality of the Ias to shine through as there is nothing else for them to fall back on. For those who only have one true appearance that they use regularly they may have that same personality even when using a mask

  While an Ias will tell you that they are cautious of the way they act and of their abilities they tend to act very differently. The join that many find it tricking people by putting on a mask is almost too strong for an Ias to ignore, especially while younger. They are loyal to those who have proven they are worth being loyal to, and will do whatever they can to keep those safe. These are the people that they will let their guard down revealing the more concerned and fearful side of many Ias, especially those away from Xita.  
The instant distrust of the Ias has lead to many of them staying isolated in the Alu Islands, at least as far as many other races are concerned. The Ias themselves love to travel nd explore the world, but the distrust they face forces them to keep up the farce of remaining in their lands. Many take the time to explore the world before returning home with stories before settling back down and living our life away from the distrustful eye of the other races, while traveling they make sure to keep their true heritage hidden so they can simply enjoy the world. Rarely an Ias will find a reason to stay within the wide open world and often with this their cover is blown and they true nature is exposed. It is them up to them whether they stay in the world or return home.

Xita is the perfect embodiement of the Ias people. During the day the colourless city is a place of work, Once work is over the city transforms into something akin to a carnival. Colour paints the streets, masks are worn and the Ias celebrate life, existence, music, stories, and magic. The city has many different masks that it wears like the people that live there, and just like the Ias when the party dies down and the celebration ends for the night, the mast falls away and the colourless city returns once more, ready for the next day.

To the Ias class is a strange concept. Persona's are often shared around the city, and passed through generations creating a very equal society for them all. With gender and appearance so fluid to the Ias there is little for them to really 'judge' another on to create any form of classism amoungst them. Each of them can be the face that they need to be, each of them is as important as the other.

Outside the Ias family things are similar yet different. With few races willing to give them a chance they tend to see all the other races as one thing. Many Ias refer to the other races as 'single skins' as they are unable to change their form, and while they don't believe they are better than the other races for this reason they can be quick to remind them how easy it would be to claim their identity for themselves. For those who are willing to give an Ias a chance to prove themselves loyal and trustworthy they refrain from using his term and are more willing to acknowledge feats and strengths that they have.

Crime amoung the Ias is ripe and very often unpunished. With the ability to were any mask they wish the Ias are near impossible to catch in a crime, so they stopped trying. To the Ias most crimes, even going as far as murder, is considered something of a prank. Despite this large crimes rarely happen with most just being simple 'jokes' that are often laughed about later, or misunderstandings that are impossible to continue arguing over when people continue to change their face so they tend to die out quickly. This outlook on crime is something that causes a lot of tension with the other races especially when the Ias don't understand crime outside of the Alu Islands.

Ias aren't inately religious like many other races, and are more likely to adopt different relgions that many other races. Many Ias cannot name just one diety that they chose to follow, picking bits and pieces to like for each, or entire beliefs for a persona if it comes to it. Many are thankful to Ar, Elry and Ysia but beyond that it is very depandant on each Ias.

The relationship between any two Ias could change on a daily basis depending on the faces worn. They do tend to be loyal to their families and those they love, making sure those people they love are aware of the face they wear for the day, but many of these relationships are naturally fluid any way. The Ias see the entire community as a family, even those travelling or in the smaller town of Ix. They don't all need to be together to be a family.

  Outside of the Ias they are far more untrusting of the other races. Because they are often seen as untrustworthy themselves, the Ias have taken it to heart and they see the other races as 'outsiders'. It takes a long time for an Ias to willingly give up their ethnicity and an Ias showing their true form is a sign of deep respect and acceptance into the family. If one Ias accepts you, all Ias will accept you once they have heard of it, which can make the true name of an Ias very important in the Alu Islands.  

Ability score increase: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age: Ias are considered adults at 16 years of age, and can live up to 100 years of age.
Alignment: Blessed with the ability to change their appearance, most Ias are Chaotic.
Size: Ias have similar height and weight ranges to Thaxian's. Their size is Medium
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Resistance: You have resistance to psychic damage.
Shapechanger: As an action, you can change your appearance and your voice. You determine the specifics of the changes, including your coloration, hair length, and sex. You can also adjust your height and weight, but not so much that your size changes. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can't duplicate the appearance of a creature you've never seen, and you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs that you have. Your clothing and equipment aren't changed by this trait. You stay in the new form until you use an action to revert to your true form or until you die.
Unsettling Visage: When a creature you can see makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the roll. You must use this feature before knowing whether the attack hits or misses. Using this trait reveals your true form to any creature within 30 feet that can see you. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Instinctual: You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice. Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception.
Language: You can speak, read and write Common and Ias.
Asari, The White Lady
Size Medium
Type Humanoid
General Information
Patron Deity Arx
Vision Normal
Average Lifespan 100
Homeland Xita, Nin, Alu Islands
Language Ias
Average Height Male: 5'6 - 5'9
Female: 5'5 - 5'8
Average Weight Male: 100 - 140lbs
Female: 80 - 120lbs
Skin Colour Pale, White or Gray
Hair Colour Pastel Colours, Silver, Platinum Blonde
Eye Colour Colourless, Pupiless
Distinctions Long limbs, Uncanny Appearance, Colourless
Notable Ias
• Asari
• Name
• Name
• Name