Kyo Character in Iralex: Kyo's Passion Realm | World Anvil


Deity of passion Kyo Akashi

I came from the confines of the cosmos and i observed you mortals. I saw anarchy and disorder. I wonder why you rely on plots, secrets and luck because it's madness. It's time to show you the way of passion.
My passion turns into fire and neither time or water can extinguish it. My will is creation, my anger is destruction. I am the storm that engulfs your darkness. My shadow permeates your dreams like a dragon in a fairy tail.
Follow my lead mortals, for I am Kyo, Deity of Passion.
— Kyo
  Kyo is one of the World Anvil Gods of Creation, Imperor of Iralex and King of Citashi, main city and capital of Iralex.    

On the divin plan

Kyo, whose sphere is rather unknown, is called the Red God, the Flame or Scarlet Fox, whose only consistent theme seems to be interference with mortals for her enjoyment.
Unknown author, Book of the Gods of Creation
  His dimensionnal plan is Iralex. It would consist of several levels that each represent an aspect of passion. The principal, named Axin, is the level of the cute, and houses in particular the capital of Iralex, Citashi.
Many creatures populate Iralex. The main level is mostly populated by cute and innocuous creatures but we know that there are Werefox somewhere in the lower levels.
Humans and other mortal races populate Axin and sometimes other levels. Most of the faithful have chosen to live here of their own free will.  

Influence on World Anvil

Kyo is known for being the devil of passion, of love but also of hatred. This includes many subtle and sometimes extremely violent notions (assassination / genocide, dance of seduction / orgy, tact / poetic, truth). Paradoxically, Kyo integrates these contradictory themes.
Unknown author, The sin of passion


  On the mortal plan, he is known as the Red God or the Bloody Flame, because he is used to kill and sacrifices people for his rituals. He was very popular among mortals until her attempt to invade World Anvil. There are still some worshipers, but most of his altars have been destroyed.
Kyo never really had interactions with the mortal world and was not really present. He was content for a long time to watch it from afar. But he had a period of popularity until her attempt to invade World Anvil. Today everyone knows Kyo, from near and far.    




  Kyo has tried to subjugate World Anvil in the past. Sending his creatures on the level of mortals, he takes advantage of the chaos created by his followers who undermine the order of the world.
Unfortunately for him, several people get in her way: Vertixico the god of water and Arka the titan of lightning. The three clashed in a fight that said they "would have melted the stone, evaporate the seas and have hidden the sun". Kyo was seriously wounded as well as Vertixico and Arka but they drew strength to drain Kyo's forces. They succeeded, driving Kyo out of the divine state, but they also lost their power.
Kyo left for Iralex accompanied by his two closest followers, Snake_Venom and Kitashi, who had led the adepts so far.

Divine Domains

He is the fallen deity of Passion, Ambition, Love (and Hate) and Creation.
Divine Classification
Fallen Deity
Male, but appears sometimes in female shape
Ruled Locations


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