The Green in Ipsum | World Anvil

The Green

The Green or Natural magic, is a subtype of Magic within the world of Ipsum. Primarily found in places of great natural power or spiritual enlightenment the Green represents a connection between the user and the natural world, bending or borrowing the power of nature in it's various forms. While adepts are most commonly found amongs the Drovan and Rivermere bloodlines the occasional user can be found all across the continent. While this attunement to nature can mostly be found as a direct connection many Green Mages find that their connection and power can be drawn from that of a singular or collective of their ancestors' spirits lending them the power to cast spells most do not expect from a druid.     Drovan Druidism- Drovans are especially intune with nature as a result of their close relationship with the forests they call home. A Drovan druid often can call upon the power of their ancestors almost in a religous way.


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