Halsworthy Settlement in Io'ra | World Anvil


"For gold and glory"

A large empire that encompasses the majority of the southern shores of Estreal and nearly dominates the trading routes with its long and rich merchantile history, Halsworthy is a beacon of opportunity and knowledge that attracts great minds and greedy hands. Surrounding the kingdom are large rolling hills known as the "Bumpy Shield" that serves as natural protection. Ontop of these hills were large monolithic towers clad in a bright white silver that overlooks the empire below.



Halsworthy reigns supreme in technology that utilizes the arcane. This is primarily because of a special material known as Halsmite that is found in the run off from Thorum's Peak. The material is foreign to this realm and only began appearing after the convergence 3000 years ago.   Halsmite is a pure white metal that has special properties that allow it to absorb a considerable amount of residual weave around it. This makes it an excellent battery for magics that require a considerable energy source. The entire empire is constructed out of a mixture of Halsmite with common stone.   Because of the abundance of this metal in the city and the considerable amount of magic items and individuals that pass through the city on a daily basis, the walls release an electrical current that only seems to get more powerful the passing days. In order to prevent any damages to the civillians, a group of individuals who were skilled with Halsmite formed the Silvan Lords; a profession that helped develop flame-less light sources that siphen the energy down to a safe level.


Silvan Lords

"Oy! Anyone seen my glasses"
— Sir Jorgen of the Silvanus Lords, while he had his glasses on his head

Founded by the late Jorgen Turnik, the Silvan Lords specialize in dealing with overcharged Halsmite that might cause damage, if not death, to innocent bystanders. Jorgen was the first to discover what is referred to as the Jorgen's Peak, the overcharged version of halsmite that has such a powerful charge that it essentially acts as a tesla coil and shoots electricity to the nearest conductor. They have buisness centers located around the points of the city where Halsmite closely reaches it's Jorgen's Peak daily. They are sent out when incidents occur regarding overcharged halsmite.




The kingdom is seperated by "Runs"; specific sections of the kingdom that cater to a certain need. While the names are simplistic, the roads and land marks are named after special folk that worked for the betterment of Halsworthy and mankind as a whole.


Merchant Run

The heart of the city, the Merchant run lies in the center of all other runs and is the home for most of the trade that resides in the city. Although there is no "established government", trade is the life blood of the city; because this, the rich are gnerally the most powerful as they have leverage over the amount of cash flow that enters the city. The rich are referred to the "LaurĂ«".   In order to prevent a group of rich greedy individuals taking over the entire city, the Board of Merchants was established. Filled with officials picked by the Common folk, they hold power by being     The Trade Guard serves not only as the police group of the city, but they function as a type of middleman who bring proposals to the involved folks of the more common folk.

Play Run

Play play, also a stress reliever but more focused on hobbies and interests as well as sports. the healthier version to cope with the stresses of the world :(

Pleasure Run

pleasure pleasure come here to forget the pains of the world and to give in to our cardinal desires xd

Memoris (Night Club)

Ran by the exotic and tanned couple hailing from tropical Cinzel, the Memoris offers lifetimes of experiences. They do this through a more powerful version of Encode Thought that are concenctrated on through Halsmite strands that are encrusted in the strands around their necks. There is a multitude of lives that can be lived when you arrive to the club and the more exotic/thrilling the life, the higher you pay for the experience. The experience lasts for around a minute but whichever memory you choose may last up to an hour/ when you choose to stop.

The couple who runs the establishment is an extravagent human with white silks with colorful jewlery badazzling his clothes and hands. He wears heavy mascera and has a deep Cinzel accent (Texan) and a woman described as a "siren" by some in reference of her beautiful voice .

Education Run

pretty self explanatory, bitches be getting educated here. recieved a large fund for their unitarian scool: a school with all grades embedded inside of it where you can get specialized training in what you wish to learn. the school is incredibly large, taking up the entire cliffside it resides on and then stretches on for around 4 miles. which grade you are in is represented by the outfits/color you wear, with the highest grade removing this requirement.   The school is called Halsworths and their mascot is Halsworth.

Laurë Run

THe rich people district, this is where they go to live and shit. Laure means gold in silvan speak.

Celeb Run

The common people district. filled with the common man n shit dude. Celeb means silver in silvan. normal mercants that dont make as much as those in the laure run live here. It is still nice with their own pool area/ eatery. the poorer folks are located here as well but still have access to the pool/eatery/ grocery stores.

Eatery Run

the gluttons daydream. this place is where food venders go to sell their goods.

Popular Places

Talkin' Fish

Sea food resturant that have Kuo-Tuo as the cheifs. They don't serve fish and instead offer other meats with meat free options. Since they are from the south west, they have a lot of spices and herbs in their food to make it a blast of flavor.

Troll Burgers

Ethically gathered meat from trolls grilled into a burger. If Trolls aren't hurt, all the energy they use to regenerate build up and make's them extremely hyper and in pain. Most trolls don't mind the pain as it reduces the growing pains they feel if they aren't regenerating for something.

    The demographic in halsworthy is unique in teh fact that it's primarily merchants that inhabit the city. While there is a large amount of farmers that use the large river that runs through the lands, there's still more fucking merchants yo. to give the numbers: 76% are merchants, 14% are farmers, and 10% are students. The merchants deal in most, if not, every trade. The students make up the police force as well as the necessary medical welfare needed to keep a massive city afloat.  

Halsworthy has prided its affinity for trade since as far as written history goes back. Because of this, it have become a dream for traders to one day sell their own goods on the pristine, neon-lit streets of the city.

The composition of the city goes as follows:

  • Merchants
    • Made up of inter-city traders as well as the typical merchants, they make up 76% of the inhabitants.
    • Knowing their worth in the city, the officials easily bend to the merchants for their trade makes up the revenue for the city. However, despite this, the Government holds power using the reputation of the city to hurt the merchant's business if need be.
  • Farmers
    • Made up of inter-city traders as well as the typical merchants, they make up 76% of the inhabitants.
    • Knowing their worth in the city, the officials easily bend to the merchants for their trade makes up the revenue for the city. However, despite this, the Government holds power using the reputation of the city to hurt the merchant's business if need be.
  • Merchants
    • Made up of inter-city traders as well as the typical merchants, they make up 76% of the inhabitants.
    • Knowing their worth in the city, the officials easily bend to the merchants for their trade makes up the revenue for the city. However, despite this, the Government holds power using the reputation of the city to hurt the merchant's business if need be.
  • Merchants
    • Made up of inter-city traders as well as the typical merchants, they make up 76% of the inhabitants.
    • Knowing their worth in the city, the officials easily bend to the merchants for their trade makes up the revenue for the city. However, despite this, the Government holds power using the reputation of the city to hurt the merchant's business if need be.



The invincibles are a cult-like guild of poly people who hold weekly weddings in order to strengthen the bond between groups. The weddings are the spell, ceremony, and each group needs to have individuals blessed by the gods of battle in such a way that dissallows them to die. Theses groups go on a multitude of missions, harbouring no insignia's linking them back to halsworthy.


a group the players have met are known as "Four" and they have taken the mission from Hankala to take back a group of individuals alive and unharmed. When they had all first met, they have placed trackers on the individuals in the party in order to leave the alone while they have to deal with other issues. The trackers also serve as a bond that casts hold person when activated.

Founding Date
100 B.L.U
Alternative Name(s)
The Golden Center of Estreal, The Hungry Trader, and The Light of War
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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Nov 8, 2021 09:43

:nauseous-face:   ^ use discord