Kofarsi Ethnicity in Invasive Species | World Anvil
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The Kofarsi are the primary inhabitants of the island Kofora. They have long been heavily isolationist, and as such have a very distinct culture from the rest of Lavenna. Originally descended from the "sands tribes" of Borashta who fled persecution by the Empire of Novosta, they developed a unique culture. Today, many Kofarsi face persecution, and historically they have been killed in great numbers during the Continental War. Many still bear intense resentment, suspicion, and malice toward mainlanders, who they believe are intent on eradicating them. These fears have been stoked in recent years due to large numbers of mainland immigrants to the island, attracted by the warm, salty aired coastal climate and rich gastronomy.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Miranti, Illandra, Thiani, Ralaan, Iaal, Thinisi, Pilia

Family names

Farso, Lamro, Thoss, Haldea, Baraa, Goa, Karsto, Larmo, Thala

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Cover image: Alpha Centauri by Jakub Grygier


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