Foccini the All-Knowing Genie Character in Into the Faewyld | World Anvil
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Foccini the All-Knowing Genie (foe-chi-ni)

For One Simple Copper

This magical automaton in a box will read you your fortune! With a large slogan painted on the front that reads, "He Knows, Sees, Tells ALL!" and glowing runes behind him inside the glass case, he definitely looks impressive. Most people see him as a novelty at the Carnival, yet your group had an otherworldly experience with him. As his eyes changed color and he seemingly addressed each of you directly, he gave fortunes different than the ones he normally prints out.   Built by an artificer to give fortunes, he is a one of a kind creation. He isn't sentient and gives out vague fortunes that are said to come true. The automaton will move around a bit and give a little speech, then a little fortune card that describes where you are in life and where you are going will pop out. Can also tell you about challenges ahead and how you can face them as well as list out your “lucky numbers.”  

Words of Wisdom to Bring You Much Happiness!



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