Shilizal hegemony in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Shilizal hegemony

The apoikía of Shalita is the greatest military colonial power of classical, modern, and colonial Shilizal antiquity. Shilizal have governed, dominated and influenced their entire planet. Additionally, the defeat of the Whakuran Shilizal and the Murenian Alligence in the Shilitianal wars in 12,500 - 11,698 BC resulted in a long-lived Shilizal dominance of Shalita from 11,698 BC - present. Due to their mistrust of others, Shilizal discourages the creation of records about their internal affairs. This creates difficulties in understanding the Shilizal political system, which is distinctly different from any other Hivivian race.


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