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Phobos Penitentiary

The Phobos Colonial Penitentiary is the largest maximum security interplanetary prison in Sol and second largest across human space. The prison is meant to house the worst criminals that cannot be held within any standard prison. Since its creation, Phobos Penitentiary has had a storied and colorful history. Most notably being a riot in 2265 started by former inmate, Teagen Shannon.


In the years that followed the First Energy War of the early 22nd century, criminal activity on Earth and the Colonies of Sol hit an all-time high. Murder, kidnapping, robberies, and other violent crimes skyrocketed to the point where local and federal law enforcement agencies were overwhelmed. To combat this rise in crime, the United Nations Federation (UNF) created a new department within its government: The Bureau of Prisons. The Bureau was responsible for overseeing all prisons across human space. However, with the expansion into space colonies and settlements on other planets, it quickly became apparent that a specialized prison was needed to house the most dangerous criminals.   Thus, in 2127, construction began on Phobos Penitentiary under the supervision of UNF and Martian officials. The location was chosen due to its close proximity to Mars and its relatively flat surface. Finally, after seven years of construction, Phobos Penitentiary opened its doors on July 21st, 2134. The first inmates were comprised of those who were deemed too dangerous for any standard prison on Earth or Mars. This included serial killers, terrorists, and other violent offenders. The prison quickly gained a notorious reputation as being one of the most secure facilities in human space. Its underground levels were designed to prevent any possibility of escape. And with its remote location on Phobos' surface, there was no chance for outside help from accomplices.

2265 Riots

[coming soon]


The reputation of Phobos Penitentiary has evolved over the years. While it was initially seen as a necessary evil to house the most dangerous criminals, it has since gained a reputation for being one of the most progressive and effective prisons in the universe.   One of the main reasons for this is the prison's strict adherence to prisoner rehabilitation programs. Despite its classification as a maximum-security facility, Phobos Penitentiary places a strong emphasis on education and vocational training for inmates. This not only gives inmates the opportunity to better themselves but also helps reduce recidivism rates.   In fact, several studies have shown that prisoners who participate in educational and vocational programs are less likely to reoffend once released. This philosophy is at the core of Phobos Penitentiary's approach to prisoner rehabilitation.   Additionally, Phobos is known for its advanced medical facilities and mental health services. Inmates are given access to top-of-the-line treatment for any physical or mental health issues they may have. This not only ensures their well-being while serving their sentences but also prepares them for a successful reintegration into society upon release.   Despite these efforts towards rehabilitation, Phobos Penitentiary still maintains its strict security measures. The prison's underground levels are off-limits to all but essential personnel, and regular headcounts are conducted to ensure all inmates are accounted for.   Phobos has also gained recognition for its diverse staff, with employees coming from various backgrounds and cultures. This diversity allows for a more inclusive and understanding approach towards inmate rehabilitation.


The administration of Phobos Penitentiary is overseen by the Martian Department of Justice, which took over management in 2390 after Mars gained independence from the United Nations Federation. The prison operates under the guidance of Warden Toby Lawson, a former Martian Police detective and district attorney.   Warden Lawson has implemented strict security measures and protocols to ensure the safety of both staff and inmates. She also emphasizes rehabilitation for inmates, providing them with access to educational programs and counseling services. This approach has led to a decrease in violence within the prison and has helped many inmates successfully reintegrate into society upon their release.   Under Warden Lawson's leadership, Phobos Penitentiary has become known as one of the most well-run and progressive prisons in human space. However, some critics argue that the high cost of maintaining such a prison outweighs its benefits. Despite this criticism, Warden Lawson remains dedicated to her job and continues to strive towards creating a safe and rehabilitative environment for all inmates at Phobos Penitentiary.


Phobos Penitentiary is designed to be escape-proof, with multiple layers of security in place. The first line of defense are the motion sensors that cover every inch of the prison's perimeter. These sensors are highly sensitive and can detect even the slightest movement or disturbance. If any unauthorized movement is detected, an alert is immediately sent to the central control room where guards can respond swiftly.   The second line of defense are the biometric scanners that are installed at every entrance and exit of the prison. These scanners require inmates to scan their fingerprints and retinas before entering or leaving a particular area. This ensures that only authorized individuals have access to certain areas within the prison. In addition, there are also round-the-clock guards stationed at various points throughout the prison. These guards are trained in combat and well-equipped to handle any potential threats from inmates.   To prevent any attempts at impersonation or switching identities, there are daily scans of each inmate's biometric signatures. This ensures that no inmate can masquerade as another and helps maintain order within the prison.


Harvey Brooks
2134 - 2144
Harvey Austin Brooks (19 August 2070 – 27 May 2160) was the first warden of Phobos Colonial Penitentiary. The former warden of Allenwood and Canaan, Brooks was instrumental to the creation of Phobos Colonial Penitentiary from conception to design. He was considered to be a highly strict disciplinarian and a devout reformist who imposed a number of rules upon the prison including a strict code of silence. He was relatively popular among inmates and guards, and is credited with challenging the barbaric tactics used in the prison when he was there, including strait jackets and solitary confinement in darkness and working towards the general improvement of the lives of prisoners.
Charlie Bailey
2144 - 2154
[coming soon]
Arthur Mitchell
2154 - 2164
[coming soon]
Connor Robertson
2164 - 2174
[coming soon]
Nicholas Moore 2174 - 2184 [coming soon]
Pablo Padilla 2184 - 2194 [coming soon]
Daxton Griffith 2194 - 2204 [coming soon]
Mack Mullins 2204 - 2214 [coming soon]
Tristian Shaw 2214 - 2224 [coming soon]
Cory Holland 2224 - 2234 [coming soon]
Fran Marshall 2234 - 2244 [coming soon]
Val Parker 2244 - 2254 [coming soon]
Jude Cunningham 2254 - 2264 [coming soon]
Alexis Garrison 2264 - 2265 [coming soon]
Jo Miles 2265 - 2274 [coming soon]
Kai Hayden 2274 - 2284 [coming soon]
Edward Bell 2284 - 2294 [coming soon]
Ben Porter 2294 - 2304 [coming soon]
Dexter Johnston 2304 - 2314 [coming soon]
Harrison Woods 2314 - 2334 [coming soon]
Abdiel Hopkins 2334 - 2344 [coming soon]
Matthias O'connor 2344 - 2354 [coming soon]
Terrence Ruiz 2354 - 2364 [coming soon]
Bryce Short 2364 - 2374 [coming soon]
Myles Stevenson 2374 - 2384 [coming soon]
Daniel Fitzpatrick 2384 - 2394 [coming soon]
Mason Todd 2394 - 2404 [coming soon]
Haiden Dean 2404 - 2414 [coming soon]
Rene Roberts 2414 - 2424 [coming soon]
Bret Taylor 2424 - 2444 [coming soon]
Jody Richards 2444 - 2454 [coming soon]
Skyler Nicholson 2454 - 2464 [coming soon]
Reggie Head 2464 - 2484 [coming soon]
Denny Buckner 2484 - 2494 [coming soon]
Will Gentry 2494 - 2504 [coming soon]
Caden Alston 2504 - 2505 [coming soon]
Gabby Beasley 2505 - 2524 [coming soon]
Daniel Watts 2524 - 2534 [coming soon]
Kyle Brooks 2534 - 2554 [coming soon]
Arthur White 2554 - 2564 [coming soon]
Elliot Fraser 2564 - 2574 [coming soon]
Aidan Jones 2574 - 2584 [coming soon]
Gerardo Harrell 2584 - 2594 [coming soon]
Devan Baker 2594 - 2604 [coming soon]
Braylon Hoover 2604 - 2614 [coming soon]
Theodore Russell 2614 - 2634 [coming soon]
Lexi Sampson 2634 - 2644 [coming soon]
Aiden Lane 2644 - 2664 [coming soon]
Denny Reid 2664 - 2674 [coming soon]
Skye Poole 2674 - 2684 [coming soon]
Blair Green 2684 - 2694 [coming soon]
Eli Henderson 2694 - 2704 [coming soon]
Kerry Vargas 2704 - 2724 [coming soon]
Toby Lawson 2724 - current
Toby Elizabeth Lawson (born 30 November 2670) is a former district attorney of the Martian US Territory and Terra Police detective. Lawson, is best known for being a sympathetic and caring warden compared to her predecessors. She has put in place several measures for bettering inmate wellbeing and overall happiness. Since she took office, Phobos has not had a single riot, or violent incident.

Prison life and the cells

Level-1: Arrivals

Level-1 serves as the main entrance and exit point for inmates. It is also where supplies are transported in and out of the prison. Upon arrival at Phobos, new inmates are first processed in Level-1. They undergo a thorough medical examination to ensure they are healthy, inmates are required to shower and change into designated prison uniforms. Once the initial procedures are completed, inmates move on to the next phase of processing which includes fingerprinting, retina scanning, and obtaining biographical information for their inmate files.   Supplies also pass through Level-1 under strict supervision from guards. All items must be thoroughly checked for any illegal substances or contraband before being allowed into the prison. While it may seem like a mundane process, the meticulous procedures in Level-1 play a crucial role in maintaining order and security within Phobos Penitentiary. Any attempt at smuggling in contraband can lead to severe consequences for both inmates and staff members involved.

Level-2: Block-A and Block-B (Male Inmates)

Level-2 houses male inmates. This level is divided into two blocks – Block-A and Block-B – with each block housing a different group of inmates. Block-A houses non-violent offenders or those who have committed minor crimes such as theft or drug possession. These inmates are considered low-risk and are eligible for work-release programs within the prison. They are also given more privileges compared to those in Block-B, such as longer recreational hours and access to educational programs.   Block-B houses the more violent and high-risk inmates. These are typically individuals who have committed serious crimes such as murder. They are closely monitored by guards and have limited privileges, with shorter recreational hours and restricted access to certain areas within the prison.

Level-3: Block-C and Block-D (Female Inmate)

Level 3 is reserved for female inmates and divided into two blocks - Block-C and Block-D. Similar to Level-2, these blocks house either low or high-risk inmates based on their crimes and behavior. Block-C houses non-violent female offenders like petty thieves or those who committed minor crimes that didn't involve physical contact. They have more freedoms than their counterparts in Block-D, who are considered higher risk due to their violent behavior.   Block-D houses the more violent female offenders with longer sentences, who pose a greater threat to both themselves and others due to their violent tendencies. These inmates have fewer amenities and fewer privileges than those at Block-C but still access to necessities like food, water, and shelter.

Level-4: Recreation & Dining

Level-4 of Phobos Penitentiary is primarily dedicated to recreational activities and mealtimes for inmates. It is a large level, with a central yard area that serves as the main hub for recreational activities.   Male inmates have designated yard time between 14:30 and 16:30PM every day. During this time, they are allowed to spend some time outside of their cells and engage in various activities such as playing sports, exercising, or socializing with other inmates. The yard is monitored closely by guards through cameras, but some interaction between inmates under their supervision is permitted.   Female inmates have designated yard time from 16:45 to 18:15PM every day. This time is slightly longer than the male inmates' designated yard time, allowing them more opportunities for recreation and socialization. In addition to the outdoor yard, there are also indoor recreational areas within Level-4 that offer different activities such as board games, puzzles, and art supplies. Inmates can choose which activity they want to participate in during their designated yard time.   Besides recreational activities, Level-4 also houses dining facilities for inmates. Male inmates commonly have dinner at 17:00PM while female inmates have it at 18:30PM. Meals are served in a large cafeteria-style setting. These mealtimes provide an opportunity for inmates to interact with one another. However, strict rules are enforced during mealtime to ensure order and prevent any altercations between inmates.

Level-5: Segregation

Level-5 Segregation is reserved for inmates who exhibit disruptive behavior or those who require isolation for their safety or the safety of others. This level has solitary confinement cells where inmates spend the remainer of their sentences without any human contact besides guards providing meals and occasional visits from mental health professionals. The only time inmates leave their cells is during showers, which are scheduled and supervised by guards. Segregation is a last resort for those who cannot be rehabilitated through traditional methods.

Level-6: Classified

Publicly, Level-6 does not exist within Phobos Penitentiary. It is not listed on any official blueprints or maps of the facility. The only way to access this level is through a hidden elevator that is only accessible by select staff members with high clearance levels.   Level-6 is reserved for the most dangerous and high-profile inmates in the prison. These are individuals who have committed heinous crimes and pose a significant threat to both themselves and others. They may be serial killers, notorious gang leaders, or terrorists. The conditions on Level-6 are extremely restrictive and isolating. Inmates are kept in individual cells that are designed to limit any interaction with other inmates or staff members. These cells are equipped with minimal furniture and no windows, creating a claustrophobic environment.   The identities of the inmates held on Level-6 are highly classified. Their names are redacted from all official databases, and even their personal identification numbers are changed to protect their privacy. This level is so secretive that even prison staff members working on other levels have no knowledge of its existence or operations. Only a select few staff members have access to Level-6 and its operations. These include the warden, security director, medical staff, and a specially trained team of guards who undergo rigorous psychological evaluations before being assigned to this level.   Inmates held on Level-6 have limited contact with the general population. They do not participate in any rehabilitation programs or activities like those available on other levels of the prison. Instead, they spend their days in solitary confinement, with only occasional visits from mental health professionals to assess their well-being.   There have been rumors and speculation about what goes on in Level-6, but due to its highly classified nature, there is no concrete information available to confirm these theories.

Other Sections

Warden's Quarters

The warden of Phobos Penitentiary lives on-site in a private quarters located within the facility. This allows the warden to be readily available in case of any emergencies or issues that may arise within the prison. The warden's quarters are located on the upper levels of the prison, away from the general population. This provides an added level of security and privacy for the warden.   The quarters include a spacious living area, complete with comfortable furniture, and other amenities for relaxation. There is also a small kitchenette, although most wardens prefer to dine in the staff cafeteria with other employees.   The bedroom is typically modest but comfortable, with a bed, dresser, and closet space for personal belongings. The warden's bathroom is also separate from the rest of the living space and often includes a shower. The quarters are designed to be functional and provide basic comforts for the warden while also reflecting their status as the highest authority within the prison. The furnishings are often more upscale than those found in staff housing areas.

Social Hall

Phobos Penitentiary has a designated social hall for the use of its security staff and other employees. The hall is located on the upper levels of the prison, easily accessible from the main entrance and other staff areas.   The Social Hall serves as a place for guards and other employees to relax and socialize during their breaks. It also serves as a location for staff meetings and training sessions. The hall is equipped with comfortable seating, tables, and entertainment options such as televisions, board games, and a small library. There is also a kitchenette where staff can prepare snacks or heat up meals brought from home.   The atmosphere in the Social Hall is typically relaxed, providing a much-needed respite from the tense environment of the prison. It allows guards to unwind and de-stress before returning to their duties. However, there are strict rules in place to maintain order in the Social Hall. Any disruptive behavior or violation of prison rules can result in disciplinary action.   In addition to its recreational purposes, the Social Hall also serves as an important communication hub for prison staff. Notices about changes in policies are posted on bulletin boards in the hall. This ensures that all staff members are informed about important matters that may affect their work. The Social Hall also plays an essential role in fostering camaraderie among prison staff.

Power Reactor

Phobos Penitentiary has a state-of-the-art nuclear fusion reactor power plant that provides electricity to the entire facility. The power plant is located deep in the lower levels of the prison, heavily guarded and protected from any attempted sabotage or attack.   The reactor is carefully monitored and maintained by a team of highly trained technicians and engineers. Any irregularities or malfunctions are immediately reported and addressed to prevent any potential disasters. In case of emergency situations, such as a power outage or damage to the reactor, Phobos Penitentiary has backup generators and emergency protocols in place to ensure that essential systems continue to function without interruption.   Access to the Power Plant is restricted only to authorized staff members with proper clearance levels. The plant's control room contains advanced computer systems that monitor all aspects of its operation and allow for quick adjustments or shutdowns if necessary. Though it may seem risky to have a nuclear fusion reactor within a prison, Phobos Penitentiary's management ensures that strict safety protocols are followed at all times. Regular safety drills are conducted, and staff members are constantly trained on emergency procedures in case of any accidents or incidents related to the power plant.

Life-support Center

The Life-support Center is the most critical part of the prison. It is responsible for providing and maintaining essential systems, ensuring the safety and well-being of all inmates and staff members. These systems include air circulation, humidity control, temperature regulation, waste management, and water purification. Each system has multiple redundancies to prevent any critical failures.   Air circulation is perhaps the most crucial aspect of the Life-support Center. The facility is equipped with advanced air filters that remove harmful particles and contaminants from the air. Additionally, the air in Phobos Penitentiary is enriched with oxygen to compensate for its lack in the moon's atmosphere.   Humidity control is also carefully monitored to prevent any buildup of moisture or mold within the prison. Constant monitoring ensures that humidity levels remain at an optimum level for human comfort. Temperature regulation is another crucial function of the Life-support Center. The facility maintains a comfortable temperature throughout the prison, even in extreme weather conditions outside. This not only provides comfort but also prevents potential health risks such as hypothermia or heatstroke.

Water Tanks

Phobos Penitentiary has a well-maintained and efficient water system, with a total of 15 water tanks located on the upper levels of the prison. Each tank can hold up to 50,000 metric tons of water, providing enough supply for all the inmates and staff members in case of any disruptions in the water supply from Mars.   These tanks are constantly monitored and regularly maintained to ensure their functionality. The prison has a strict schedule for refilling the tanks every 6-8 months from Mars. This process is carefully planned and executed, as any delay or interruption in the water supply could have severe consequences for the entire facility. In addition to providing drinking water, these tanks also serve as a backup source for fire suppression systems within the prison. In case of a fire emergency, the tanks can provide a continuous flow of water to extinguish any flames quickly.   Phobos Penitentiary has implemented strict regulations regarding water usage within the facility. Inmates are only allowed to use a limited amount of water per day, which is closely monitored by guards and officials. This not only helps conserve resources but also prevents any potential abuse or misuse of the system. The maintenance and upkeep of these water tanks are crucial in ensuring that Phobos Penitentiary functions smoothly without any disruptions. The prison management understands that access to clean water is essential for maintaining good health and hygiene within the facility, which ultimately contributes to a safe and secure environment for all inmates and staff.

Medical Center

The Medical Center is a vital part of Phobos Penitentiary, located near the top levels of the prison. It is equipped with medical equipment and staffed by skilled medical personnel. The primary role of the Medical Center is to provide necessary medical care and treatment to inmates. The center is equipped to handle all types of health issues, ranging from minor injuries to more severe conditions such as chronic diseases. Inmates are constantly monitored for any signs of illness or injury, and immediate medical attention is provided if needed.   The Medical Center also has a dedicated isolation unit for inmates with contagious diseases. This helps prevent the spread of illnesses within the prison population and ensures that sick inmates receive proper care in a controlled environment. Regular health screenings and vaccinations are also carried out to maintain the overall health and well-being of inmates. In addition to providing medical care, the Medical Center also offers mental health services. Inmates have access to therapists and counselors who can provide support and treatment for various mental health issues. This is crucial in maintaining the mental well-being of inmates, as imprisonment can often take a toll on their psychological state.   Medical personnel are also trained to respond quickly and efficiently in critical situations, ensuring that inmates receive prompt medical attention when needed. Apart from providing medical care, the Medical Center also plays an important role in preventing diseases within the prison. The facility follows strict hygiene protocols, with regular disinfection and cleaning procedures in place to prevent the spread of infections. Inmates are also educated on proper hygiene practices and provided with necessary supplies such as hand sanitizers and masks.

Notable Inmates

Teagan Shannon
#0110-1237/Life without the possibility of parole
Teagan Andrew Shannon (13, September 2203 – 8, October 2265) was an Earth-born American politician and ex-president of the United States of America during the late-2250s. He was known worldwide for massive voter fraud, murder, and federal embezzlement. Shannon was sentenced after a two-year manhunt following his impeachment from the White House in 2258. Shannon was originally sent to Leavenworth in 2260, but was transferred to Phobos after three escape attempts. Shannon was deemed a ‘high risk’ inmate and placed in Level-5 Segregation. However, in early March 2265, Shannon escaped during a prison riot of his own making and fled to Mars where he started another riot in an attempt to return to Earth. Shannon is later found dead after a napalm airstrike almost ten months later.
Erin Richmond
Erin Colleen Richmond (13, May 2364 – 17, June 2414) was an average business woman from South Boston before she was brutally raped three times by three different men. The Justice System failed her as she watched each man walk away scot-free. After weeks of torment she finally snapped, Richmond hunted down each of her attackers and brutally tortured them for days which included her cutting off each of their penis’ with a boxcutter before slicing their throats. She, however, didn’t stop there, every man that looked at her wrong she kidnaped, tortured in the same manor and killed. She was eventually caught and sentenced to 56 years in Phobos on charges of kidnaping, torture, murder, assault, and evasion from law enforcement. Richmond unfortunately was killed 24-hours into her sentence after she got jumped by other inmates for cocky smirks.
Brynn Hooper (Cyber Jack)
Brynn Daniel Hooper (8, March 2245 – 23, February 2284), or Cyber Jack as the media dubbed him, was notorious computer hacker around the mid-2270s. At the time of his capture, Hooper was responsible for the deaths of 73 covert USC servicemen after he leaked their identities to enemy forces. Hooper was charged with multiple accounts of second-degree murder, terrorism, and hacking and sentenced to serve 68 years. However, he only did 9 years before he died of a genetic brain aneurism.
4. Tyler Vance #2365-9658–40
5. Syomin Tarasovich
6. Tobias Köstler




Security class


Max Capacity

562 inmates (male and female)

Current Capacity

328 inmates (male and female)


July 21, 2134; 591 years ago

Managed by

UNF Bureau of Prisons

Martian Department of Justice


Toby Lawson


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