Megan Peterson Character in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Megan Peterson

Megan Aleksandra Peterson (Civilian Agent 457839) is an American special agent in the employ of the Office of Space Intelligence, specializing in covert operations and classified R&D projects. Megan was originally born male, but had full SRS done to appear more feminine, and has been on female hormones since she was nineteen; she has even been taking testosterone blockers since she was ten to prevent any male aspects from appearing. Megan officially changed her name and gender during high school to match her outward identity. For her twenty-fifth birthday, Megan went all-in and had a four day treatment in a Reconstruction Pod to become biologically female. Megan is currently four months pregnant. Though, she originally had no plans to become female, she has enjoyed and takes great pride in every bit of it. She absolutely LOVES being a woman.


Megan keeps herself in very decent health through continuous exercise and a healthy diet to maintain her feminine body. Though, ever since she was young, Megan has always had a short and femininely shaped figure. She has a short almost hour-glass torso with narrow arms about the same length. Her legs are long and slim, and she has a very prominent butt and 32D-cup breasts.

Attire and personal effects

Commonly, Megan wears the standard OSI field utilities. On personal time, Megan prefers dresses and skirts or anything that is extremely feminine in appearance. She hates wearing men's clothes and actively avoids it as much as she can. Much like every other woman, Megan carries a purse.   Megan's sidearm of choice is a prototype G7-12 laser pistol she has help to develop with OSI's Section Three Division.  

Early life and education

Megan Aleksandra Peterson was born on August 15, 2690 within the UNF colony of Venus in the fashion capital of Terra. Megan grew up hating her male body and actively wore girl's clothes as much as she could. It wasn't until she started middle school that she began to fully present as female. Her new-found identity as 'Megan' wasn't much of a problem at this stage. However, once she started high school, Megan started to get bullied quite frequently. All of which she just ignored. By her sophomore year, Megan joined the school's cheerleading squad, for which she remained until graduation while at the same time participating in girl's gymnastics at the local YMCA. Megan was also elected Prom Queen for her junior and senior years. At graduation, Megan was picked as valedictorian of her whole class.


Because of her status as valedictorian, having a GPA of 4.3, and her skills as a cheerleader, Megan had hundreds of scholarships available to her. Overly, Megan choice to attend the Grantham University majoring in Information Technology.


Four years after college, Megan was recruited by the Office of Space Intelligence as a field agent and tasked with analyzing, recovering, and developing new technologies of Xeno-origin. Megan also leads OSI's Purple Team in high priority covert operations and intel gathering. As such, Megan is assigned to the fourth stealth Panther fleet.


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  • Planetary Intelligence Cross
  • Planetary Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal
  • Planetary Medal of Science
  • Planetary Medal of Technology and Innovation
  • Personal life

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    Family and relations

    Megan is the oldest of five daughters born to USC Army General, Korbin Peterson and former US model and Miss Earth, Colleen Jacobs. She is incredibly close to her sisters and often shares clothes, shoes, make-up, and often giggles over boys. Because of her travels, Megan doesn't have any family of her own. However, she is currently engaged to a young Army captain named Taylor Fletcher. After the wedding, Megan plans to take a desk work and settle down to start a family with the man she loves.

    Personality & Traits

    [coming soon]





    August 15, 2690; New Terra, Venus (age 34)









    Korbin Peterson (Father)

    Colleen Jacobs (Mother)


    Chloe Peterson (sister)

    Abigail Lawrence (sister)

    Larissa Peterson (sister)

    Courtney Peterson (sister)


    5 ft. 5 inch.


    118 lb.



    Skin Color


    Hair color


    Eye color


    Political and military information


    Office of Space Intelligence

    Service number




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