Hyperspace tracker Technology / Science in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Hyperspace tracker

Hyperspace trackers are advanced technological devices designed to track starships as they travel through and exit hyperspace. These devices are manufactured by Titan Tactical Systems and are primarily used by humans on their ships. Although the developer of these trackers is unknown, they are believed to have originated in Germany on Earth.   The main function of a hyperspace tracker is to transmit an infrared and radio frequency signal that can be detected over long distances, even light-years away. This enables USC officials to track the location of starships and monitor their movements. Given the vast expanse of space and the speed at which starships travel, the ability to track them accurately and efficiently is paramount to ensuring their safety as well as the safety of other assets in space.   One significant advantage of hyperspace trackers is their small size. They are designed to be compact, allowing them to be easily mounted on most types of starships. Additionally, these trackers are incredibly sophisticated, utilizing the latest technology to ensure their accuracy and efficiency. They have revolutionized the way USC officials monitor starships, enabling them to respond to potential threats quickly and efficiently.


Early history and concept

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Prototypes and development

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Design details

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Functionality and usage

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Types of trackers

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Titan Tactical Systems



Country/World of Origin

Germany, Earth

Owning Race


Used by



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