Elise Parker Character in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Elise Parker

Captain Elise Savannah Parker (service number 36269-78690-EP) is a servicewoman of the United Nations Federation Navy. Elise is also a male to female transgender woman who still identifies as a man. Elise's reasons for changing genders came just prior to starting high school when she and her best friend Erica, decided that it be funny if she attended school as a female student. Though, the prank would be believable if she truly looked the part. So Erica paid for Elise to have feminized facial surgery, hormone replacement treatment, and even full gender reassignment surgery. By the time high school started, Elise was indistinguishable from other girls. Though, her overall personality still needed work, she was a girl from that moment on.   Since changing genders, Elise has been estranged by her parents and brother, but she still keeps in contact with her sisters. Elise also is planning, once she has enough money, to undergo treatment in a reconstruction pod to become female biologically and make sure her life as a woman is permanent.


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Attire and personal effects

Commonly, since Elise started living as a woman, she has only wore feminine styled clothing. Though, it was a gradual process, as she did continue to wear men's clothing for a time until they just didn't fit anymore. When she is on-duty, Elise commonly wear standard naval dress whites including a white button-up shirt with her name tag on the right breast, service ribbons on the left and rank pins on the shoulders, a white skirt, and white heels. On personal time, Elise is often seen in tshirts, knee-length denim skirts and tennis shoes. She carries a floral shoulder purse containing her cellphone, wallet, make-up, emergency tampons, and an extra set of clothes.


Early life and education

Elise Savannah Parker originally born as Luke Randell Parker on July 19, 2691 within the colony of Mars. Elise was born into a particularly religious family and is a devote Catholic girl. Though, her parents would beg to differ, as they don't approve of her gender change. Growing up, Elise never considered herself to be female nor did she express a desire to be a girl. Even today after full hrt and srs, she still doesn't identity as female.   Prior to her whole gender change, Elise was no different than any other boys her age. She played with action figures, and trucks, she was into all sorts of video games. She play street basketball with friends from school, she even played on her 7th grade middle school's team and was a star player. All this changed the day she met Erica Price.   Soon after the eighth grade, a rich transfer girl from Earth named Erica Price, started at Elice's school and two of them eventually became best friends and did everything together. Most of which was activities for girls which consisted of sleepovers, make-up parties, shopping, etc. Just before the end of the eighth grade, Erica asked Elise if she would be interested in starting high school as a girl. A little taken back by the question, Elise said yes thinking that it might be fun to experience high school from a female perspective.   Not wanting to waste any time, Erica began teaching Elise how to be a girl and told her to take estrogen pills. Three months before highschool Erica arranged for Elise to have full gender reassignment surgery, and Elise went along with it not considering that surgery would forever cement her life as a woman. She didn't care. Elise was too excited about finally getting a vagina and becoming a real woman.

Enlistment and boot camp

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Planetary War on Terror

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Outer Colonies Civil War

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Awards and decorations

  • Planetary War on Terrorism Service Medal
  • Outer Colonies Conflict Service Medal
  • Combat Action Ribbon
  • Personal life

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    Family and relations

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    Personality and Traits

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    Biographical information




    July 19, 2691 (age 33)

    Personal details




    Transgender Female




    William Parker (father)

    Destiny Quinn (mother)


    Jacob Parker (brother)

    Amy Parker (sister)

    Lauren Parker (sister)


    Harrison Lee (boyfriend)



    Gender Identity



    5' 6"


    128 lb.

    Skin Color




    Hair color


    Eye color



    Christian (Catholic)


    Gender variance

    En femme


    Military information


    United Space Command Navy




    June 12, 2709

    Service number




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