Amalia Kedar Character in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Amalia Kedar

Doctor Amalia Inna Kedar is an Israeli biologist and xenobiologist from the outer colony of New Jerusalem in a small agriculture town called Tel Kebair. Amalia is a skilled doctor of biology with a minor in xenobiology. Amalia is also a male to female crossdresser who fully identifies as a woman. She grew up never knowing her father as he was killed on Washington during the Second Energy War one year after her birth. During her early childhood, Amalia's mother frequently placed her in beauty pageants, it was this reason why many people thought she was a girl, though it didn't help that these pageants were all meant for girls only. It wasn't until she hit puberty that she started to see herself developing like other girls, and since she already felt more like a girl than a boy, Amalia decided to just let it happen. When she was 15, her mother forced her undergo full gender reassignment surgery to complete her journey into womanhood. Amalia of course didn't argue despite not wanting to go through it, she however loves being a woman.

Physical Appearance

Amalia is a stunning woman with a curvaceous figure that turns heads wherever she goes. Her delicate facial features are framed by long, dark brown hair that cascades down her back in loose waves, while her striking hazel-green eyes add an extra layer of beauty. Amalia's full lips are often painted in a bold shade of red, completing her overall allure.   Her skin is smooth and flawless, with a healthy glow that is the result of years of careful grooming and self-care. Amalia stands at approximately 5'6" tall and weighs about 115 lbs., giving her the perfect hourglass shape.

Attire and personal effects

Amalia is known to dress in a professional manner when she is working in her lab. She usually wears a lab coat with physical research notes tucked inside her pockets, along with a button-up blouse and skirt. On days off, Amalia enjoys to get out and enjoy the beautiful scenery of New Jerusalem's sunset, which she typically does wearing designer party dresses. At the beach, Amalia prefers to flaunt her curves in a two-piece bikini.   Amalia also owns a few personal effects which she values highly. She always treasures her father's dogtags that were given to her by her mother after his death during the Second Energy War. Additionally, Amalia has a framed picture of herself and her boyfriend taken during a wedding expo they attended together. The couple hope to one day actually make their vows official in front of their family and friends. Amalia also has a small collection of handmade jewelry, including a diamond-encrusted necklace that was a birthday gift from her mother.


Early life and education

Amalia Inna Kedar was born on June 17, 2697 within the Outer Colony of New Jerusalem. Thanks to her mother's teaching and mental conditioning that she was female, Amalia grow up just like every other girl. She only allowed to played with barbies, dress-up with her friends and having sleepovers. She was only allowed to wear girls clothes, usually dresses, when she started school for the first time she was registered as female. By her ninth birthday, Amalia's mother started her on female hormones and testosterone blockers to ensure that she would develop like a normal girl.   By middle and high school, her mindset was pure feminine, nothing about her was male. Just your average happy, carefree teenage girl. To make sure Amalia would never have any second thoughts about being a woman, her mother forced her to get full gender reassignment surgery when she was fifteen, permanently cementing her life as female. Though Amalia didn't want the surgery, she went along with it to make her mother happy, and the fact that she felt more like a woman than a man.

Modeling & pageants

As Amalia grew up, her mother's ambition for her to follow in her footsteps as a beauty queen never faded. Despite being born a male, she was forced to enter beauty pageants one after another. Her mother kept pushing and forcing Amalia to partake in all sorts of girly activities, such as makeup tutorials and runway walks. Of course, these were all initiated by the expectations of the audience and judges at each pageant.   Amalia found herself in the spotlight constantly; it began to take its toll on her mental health. She felt pressured to look perfect all the time and was tired of pretending like nothing was wrong with her life despite everything she had been through and accomplished thus far.   Fortunately for Amalia, there was something even better than pageants - modeling! In high school she often put her looks to good use by doing photoshoots for local fashion magazines or attending events that highlighted young women's talent or beauty. While modeling certainly wasn't a cure-all for her stress from pageant life, it did help Amalia gain more confidence in herself. And while this was no doubt thrilling for Amalia; it turned out that what made her truly happy in life is when she decided to pursue a career in biology and xenobiologist- AS A DOCTOR.

College life

In college, Amalia finally found her true calling. She enrolled in a pre-med program and quickly excelled in all her courses. Her passion for biology and xenobiology was unmatched, and she knew right away that she wanted to become a doctor. Amalia threw herself into her studies and worked hard to maintain her high grades, all while continuing to model on the side to pay for her tuition.   Despite the challenges of being a transgender woman in the field, Amalia never let anyone tell her she couldn't achieve her dreams. She was determined to become a successful and prove to everyone that she was more than just a pretty face.   As a woman in the scientific field, Amalia faced some discrimination and prejudice from some of her colleagues, though nothing like it was back in the 21st century. Amalia became known as a brilliant mind and hard worker, and her reputation preceded her wherever she went. She was often invited to speak at conferences and seminars, and her research in the field of xenobiology was groundbreaking.

Offer of employment by Office of Space Intelligence and Refusal

One day, Amalia received an unexpected phone call from the Office of Space Intelligence. They had heard about her work in xenobiology and wanted to offer her a position as a top researcher. Amalia was taken aback by this offer and didn't know what to say at first. She had always dreamed of working on a bigger level, however, she wasn't sure that should with OSI. As they were known for their secrecy and questionable methods, Amalia was hesitant about joining such an organization. She thanked them for the offer but ultimately declined, citing her concerns about the ethical standards of the OSI.   Despite turning down the offer, Amalia couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement at the thought of working on a bigger scale. She knew that her skills in xenobiology could be put to use on a grander level, but she didn't want to compromise her values to do so. This, of course, was not the answer OSI wanted to hear, they wanted to maintain a monopoly on all xeno-related fields and Amalia's rejection of their offer would not be taken lightly, and they continued to harass her and blocked her from certain resources and funds that she needed for her research.   Eventually, she got so fed-up, that she used some of her connections and got a meeting with the chairman of the United Space Command, Fleet Admiral Martin Gains after OSI's harassment of her. Gains then went directly to OSI's Commander-in Chief, who put an end to the endless harassment and apologized for their agents behavior. Amalia was relieved that she no longer had to deal with the constant pressure from OSI and could focus on her research again. However, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the OSI's interest in her work than just her skills in xenobiology.

Personal life

Amalia's personal life is quite different from her professional life. When she isn't working in the lab, she enjoys using her time to explore different hobbies and interests. One of these is modeling which she finds to be a fun and rewarding outlet for her feminine side. She always been gifted with striking features and a tall, lean figure, so being able to express herself through the art of modeling is something that makes her very happy.   Aside from modeling, Amalia also loves spending time at the beach, either with her boyfriend or with some of her closest girl-friends. Swimming in the ocean or just lying out on the sand to relax is one of her favorite activities when she needs a break from work. She also enjoys reading classic science fiction novels as it allows her to escape and gives her an opportunity to lose herself in stories of adventure, mystery, and exploration.

Family and relations

Amalia is the only daughter Jonathan and Rochel Kedar, and stepdaughter of Hadar Straus with three stepsisters, Irena, Eliza, and Ayala Straus. Despite being busy with her work, Amalia always makes time for her family. She is close to her stepfather, who had been a major influence on her life. Hadar had always encouraged her to pursue her dreams and had supported her through thick and thin. Her stepsisters were also a big part of her life, and she often relied on them for emotional support. Amalia is also happily engaged with her long-time boyfriend, Jacob Da'vid.

Personality & Traits

Amalia is a strong-willed and independent woman who deeply values her integrity and beliefs. She is highly intelligent and dedicated to her work in xenobiology, constantly striving to learn more about the intricacies of alien wildlife. Her passion and expertise in the field is unmatched, and often leads her to become so engrossed in her work that she forgets to take care of herself. Despite her fierce dedication to her work, Amalia is also a caring and empathetic individual. She places a great deal of importance on her relationships with her family and loved ones, and always makes time to be there for them. Her close bond with her stepfather and stepsisters is a testament to her kind and nurturing nature.   However, underneath her calm and collected exterior lies a fiery spirit that is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in, as evidenced by her confrontation with the OSI. Amalia is not afraid to speak her mind and fight for what she believes is right, even if it means going against authority figures or societal norms. This fierce independence and dedication to her beliefs can sometimes make her seem stubborn or argumentative to those who do not know her well.
(She, Her, Hers)

Biographical information


New Jerusalem


June 17, 2697; Tel Kebair, New Jerusalem (age 27)


Gender Dysphoria, Transgender

Personal details




Transgender Female




Jonathan Kedar (father)

Rochel Shmerkin (mother)

Hadar Straus (step-father)


Jacob Da'vid (boyfriend)


Irena Straus (step-sister)

Eliza Straus (step-sister)

Ayala Straus (step-sister)


Straight; Amalia solely considers herself to be a heterosexual woman and is only attracted to men.

Gender Identity



5 ft. 6 inch.


115 lb.



Skin Color


Hair color

dark brown

Eye color






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