Alina Pennington Character in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Alina Pennington

Alina Lauren Pennington is an Earth-born American fashion model. Alina has been on hrt at the request of her manager. She even got breast implants which upped her cup size to a solid 42C, as well as full gender reassignment surgery, followed by a seven day treatment in a Reconstruction pod two years later.   Alina is also happily married to her childhood best friend Matthew Pennington. Though getting married was originally a joke that Matthew and Alina device to prank their families, the two got caught up in the moment and filed for a real marriage license. It wasn't until after everything was finalized that they realized they were legally man and wife. Initially, they planned on getting a divorce, but after a few months, they realized that they were actually falling in love with each other and decided to stay married. Eventually Alina gave birth to two baby girls named Rosie and Dylan.


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Attire and personal effects

Alina loves to experiment with fashion and often wears flowing dresses that highlight her curves. She also enjoys wearing makeup and accessorizing with jewelry, particularly with dainty earrings or statement necklaces. Alina's wardrobe commonly just consists of feminine clothing, as she finds it comfortable. She often pairs a cute blouse or dress with comfortable leggings or tights and fashionable boots or heels. Despite her love for fashion and accessories, Alina always keeps a small beaded bracelet with a Buddha charm on her wrist as a reminder of her Buddhist beliefs and as a way to maintain inner peace.


Early life and education

Alina Lauren Pennington, born as Alina Lauren Alexander, is the third daughter of Venus Planetary News anchor Collin Alexander and former runaway model Connie Henry. Alina has six sisters, two older and four younger.   Growing up, Alina was seen as an extraordinary beautiful child and often mistaken as a girl, and it didn't help that she would only play with Barbies, baby dolls, and have pretend tea parties and play dress up with her sisters, and refused to play with anything that look like to was made for a boy. It wasn't until Alina turned nine that she expressed an interest in wearing girl's clothes. By the time highschool started, Alina looked identical to every other girl and nothing like a boy. Because of this she was often included in many groups, classes, and communities for girls. Her closest best friend forever, is Racheal Billings, and the two are almost never apart for very long. They literally do everything together including mani/pedis, getting their hair done, shopping for the latest fashion and trying on cute dresses, or just chilling around the house.   Being very athletic, Alina decided to try-out for his school's cheerleading squad and she was so good that she made the team. However, because of her feminine looks, Alina was given a girl's uniform. It was her first exposure to female fashion, and to her surprise, Alina really liked it. After a few weeks of wearing girl's clothes, it started to feel natural to the point Alina threw out all of her boy clothes to replace them with a full female wardrobe and even started wearing makeup, which only enhanced her feminine beauty.


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Personal life

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Family, marriage and relations

Alina is the third eldest daughter of Collin and Connie Alexander. She has two older sisters and four younger sisters, whom she is very close to. Alina is also happily married to the love of her life with two beautiful daughters.

Personality & Traits

Alina is a remarkable young lady who stands out for her kind, empathetic nature and outstanding interpersonal skills. She has a gentle spirit that is felt by everyone around her, and her interactions with others are always considerate and thoughtful. Even when faced with adversity in her life, Alina demonstrated great resilience, strength, and positivity that propelled her to succeed. Her admirable traits and personality draw people towards her, and she has become a source of inspiration for many. Alina's passion for creativity and design is unparalleled. Her love for fashion is evident in her unique sense of style and experimentation with different looks and trends. She has a natural talent for combining colors, textures, and patterns in ways that are eye-catching and original. Alina's artistic flair extends beyond fashion, and she spends her spare time drawing and painting, often creating masterpieces that capture her imagination and emotions.   Beyond her creative abilities, Alina has a great sense of humor and loves to make people laugh. Her wit and playfulness are infectious, creating a positive and lighthearted atmosphere wherever she goes. Alina thrives in social situations, and her outgoing personality and friendly demeanor make her a natural social butterfly. She values her relationships with others and never ceases to make new friends.   Alina's positive influence is reflected in the way she approaches life. She has a deep understanding of the value of compassion and empathy, often putting the needs of others before her own. Her unyielding spirit and ability to face challenges with grace and determination make her an inspiration to her peers. Alina's creativity, humor, and empathy are qualities that make her stand out among her peers. Her influence is felt by all those who know her, and she has a bright future ahead.
(She, Her, Hers)

Biographical Information




September 14, 2690; Savana, Venus (age 34)

Personal Details






Collin Alexander (father)

Connie Henry (mother)


Sarah Alexander (sister)

Abigail Alexander (sister)

Lacey Alexander (sister)

Meghan Alexander (sister)

Rebecca Alexander (sister)

Trisha Alexander (sister)


Matthew Pennington (husband; m. 2710)


Rosie Pennington (daughter)

Dylan Pennington (trans-daughter)



Gender Identity



5' 5"


112 lb

Eye color


Hair color

Dark Brown

Skin color






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