Alex Levy Character in Interstellar Wars | World Anvil
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Alex Levy

Alexandria 'Alexis' Madison Levy is a professional motorcross racer on the New Earth circuit. Physically, Alexis was born male but she has completely transitioned to female. Alexis is quite popular among other girls in her circuit and fans. Alexis races in only women's circuits because the men's circuit won't let her, as she is not a man anymore.   Alexis has lived as a female for so long now, she has lost all desire to be male. She doesn't even consider herself to be a crossdresser anymore because she doesn't wear men's clothing. Alexis' mindset is so feminine now, when she turned twenty-one, Alexis secretly got gender reassignment surgery.


Alexis, despite having been born male, is an extremely attractive young woman, bearing a remarkable likeness to her mother. She is about average in height with narrow shoulders and wide hips. Her arm and torso are both short and slightly muscular while her legs are much longer. She has no body or facial hair anymore after having it all permanently removed. She keeps her hair long and professionally done that frames her feminine facial features perfectly for which she enhances with make-up. Alexis also keeps her skin well moisturized and nails manicured and painted on both her hands and feet. Her overall mannerisms and speech are also extremely feminine.

Attire and personal effects

Alexis's entire wardrobe consists of nothing but women's clothing, from normal t-shirts, jeans, and shorts to beautiful blouses, dresses and skirts; and like every other woman, she has more than she needs. Commonly, when not in her race suit, Alexis most often wears just normal jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of sneakers. She hardly ever wears a dress or skirt unless it’s for some elegant party or awards ceremony related to her racing career. When hanging out with her friends at the beach, she'll almost always be seen in a bikini, it's completely normal to her.   She commonly carries a crossbody shoulder feminine-style purse containing a wallet, an iPhone Holo-69XL, MX pass card, keys, a passport (international and interplanetary), and a make-up kit.


Early life

Alexandria Madison Levy was born in Trondheim, Norway to parents George and Heather Levy and is their eldest daughter. Her father is a politician and former senator of the United Nations Federation, as such and their family moved between countries and colonies quite often until they settled down in Martinsburg, New Earth. She has only one sibling: a sister.   As a child, Alexis was your average run of the mill little boy who was quite into toy cars and trucks, loved to play in the dirt and work on old cars with her dad. At no point did she express a desire to be a girl. At least, until she turned ten when she showed an interest in stuffed animals and barbie dolls, both of which she still has an impressive collection, with favorite being a stuffed bear named Prince Dean she had since she was a little girl.

First dirt bike

Alexis was eight when she received her first dirt bike, and at her request, her parents bought her a pink one.

Summer vacation and introduction to crossdressing

By her thirteen year Alexis went away with some friends on a tour in Europe for two months, during the flight over her luggage got lost leaving her with nothing new to wear. However, a close friend the same size as her allowed her share clothing with. The only issue was the friend was a girl who only wore dresses, skirts and other very girlie things. Alexis was reluctant at first but decided that she had no other choice. Because of this, however, caused everyone to treat her as a girl, and it didn't help that she liked to keep her hair long and in pigtails.   After the first two weeks, Alexis got quite comfortable wearing girl clothes and even liked it. So much in fact that she used some of her spending money to buy a few outfits of her own. By the time she returned home, her parents barely recognize her as she was completely feminized and acting like a normal girl. Shocked to see their own son dressed like their daughter, both Alexis's parents were speechless and didn't know how to respond. After she explained her reasons she was feminized, they understood. On the way back home, they asked her if she wanted to remain a girl or if she even liked it. Alexis simply just replied that while she greatly loved and enjoyed being a girl, she wanted to go back to being a normal boy, though; she found it hard and when school started, Alexis ultimately continued dressing as a girl.

Middle school life

By the new school year, because of how she was dressing and acting, her parents accidentally enrolled her as a female student. Though, she didn't seem to care too much. "Guess I'll have to be a girl full-time." She replied when her parents noticed the error. Being female on paper, Alexis wound up being placed in certain classes for female students like girl's PE, Home economics, and gardening. She was even taught several girl only subjects like female anatomy. A little before summer break, Alexis requested that she wanted to start hormone replacement therapy, and after a lengthy conversation and a lot of crying, her parents agreed, but only if she stayed the course without changing her mind.   After sixth grade, her family moved to New Earth where she was enrolled in the Martinsburg Catholic All Girls School where she remained until high school. It was here that Alexis really started to develop a strong female mindset completely tossing her life as a boy aside forever. Prior to starting high school, Alexis' parents legally changed her name to Alexandria, and her had her gender officially changed to female.   Shortly after, Alexis was diagnosed growth hormone deficiency which started to hind her overall height. She was told that she might not be any taller than 5 feet and three inches without growth hormone shots. Alexis gave it some deep thought before she decided against it only saying that girls are supposed to be shorter than boys. She clearly didn't see herself as a boy anymore.

High school life

By her freshman year in high school, Alexis was completely a girl in almost every way with her male personality completely non-existent. She often took part in a variety of sports including track and cheerleading. Her track venture ended quickly after she broke her ankle but she proved to be a gifted cheerleader, and like the other girls on the squad, Alexis briefly dated a football quarterback for her freshman and sophomore years but broke up the summer before junior year. Although she enjoyed dating a boy, she later came out as a lesbian and liked other girls.

Martinsburg MX Race, High School Division

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Pro-circuit Race

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Lawsuit victory against Women’s Motocross circuit

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First victory and Sponsor

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Further races, victories and sponsors

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FIM Women's Motocross World Championship Victory

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Personal life

During her down time when she not hanging out with Kaira or William, she's usually home relaxing in front of the TV or chilling beside her family's pool pretending that she doesn't hear the pool boy flirting with her. Sometimes she'll get that one 'girl' moment to go shopping with her mother and sister or get her hair and nails done. Though, that last one she does a lot more often.   Alexis is often asked why she doesn't just get a sex change since everything about her is clearly female. She'll often reply that she has no desire to be female as she is not uncomfortable with her body. Though, she has flirted with the idea but ultimately decided that was not a path she wanted to follow, because she is perfectly comfortable with her body and doesn't feel any dystopia about her biological gender.

Family and relations

Alexis is the eldest daughter of former UNF Senator, George Levy and Norwegian Army Sersjantmajor Heather Prestegard. Alexis also has one younger sister, Rachel, whom she is quite close to but not because of her feminine persona but because Rachel almost died after a rival racer tampered with Alexis’s bike causing it to explode. Unfortunately, her sister happened to be in the garage.   Outside of her family, Alexis is extremely close with her BFFs Kaira Thomas and William Dane. Almost everyday she is not running practice races or actual races, she is often seen with Kaira and William either at track just having fun, the bowling ally, chilling at her house playing videogames, or relaxing at the beach. Though, Alex and William's friendship has been stranded since he confessed his love and kissed her; and though Alexis of course pushed him back, the kiss lasted for almost a minute because Alexis briefly closed her eyes not realizing what was happening. Alexis said that she was not into guys but also said that was the best kiss she ever had.   Alexis is in a committed relationship with her high school sweetheart, Emma Nicoleson, whom is perfectly fine with and supportive of Alexis's transition from male to female. Alexis was originally planning on proposing to Emma and start a family. However, since Alexis' gender reassignment surgery, she has all but given up on her dream to be a father. Alexis now wants to be a mom with a husband, a male husband.
George and Heather Levy
The overall relationship between Alexis and her parents is almost beyond excellent as they are both very supportive of her crossdressing and overall feminine lifestyle. Alexis still maintains a special 'father-daughter' relationship with her dad through a variety of different house hold or mechanical projects, while she shifts more towards a 'mother-daughter' relationship with her mom by having regular girl days out with her and her sister getting their hair and nails done, or shopping for the latest fashion trends. Alexis's mother is a bit more supportive than her father in that she fully considers Alexis to be her daughter, and no longer sees her as her son, or a male.
Rachel Levy
Alexis and Rachel have an exceptionally close sisterly relationship. They are almost always seen together whether it's in public or private. They often share or trade clothing, do each other's hair, or giggling over the latest boy bands. Rachel, like their mother, considers Alexis to be biologically female.
Kaira Thomas
Kaira is Alexis's closet childhood BFFs, and the first friend to treat her as one of the girls, and the one who got her hooked into crossdressing to begin with, and Alexis is eternity grateful because she absolutely loves being a woman. Alexis and Kaira are almost never apart, they spend all their free time together whether it's chilling at the beach in matching bikinis, getting their hair done, Mani Pedi's, or cruising around the mall trying on different outfits and flirting with cute boys.
William Dane
William Dane is Alexis's closet and only guy friend who has been deeply in love with her since they first met. He hopes that one day Alexis will give up on her lesbian persona and agree to go out with him and be his girlfriend. Though, Alexis has started to warm up to the idea of a heterosexual relationship with someone of the rougher sex, because she wants to be a mother someday.
Emma Nicoleson
Emma is Alexis’s high school sweetheart who, despite being openly accepting of Alexis' transition, is growing a little uncomfortable because Alexis is becoming too female. Emma loves Alexis more than anything in the world, but she wants a man in her life as she is not attracted to girls, and that is what Alexis is now.
Extended family
Alexis has several other family members in her tree with the commonly visited being her paternal grandparents, whom despite being very unsupportive, publicly accept her as their granddaughter for appearance's sake. Privately, however, her grandparents remain quite uncomfortable Alexis' transition despite having a trans daughter themselves. Alexis is quite close to her eldest aunt, Emily Levy, who as it so happens is also a male to female transgender woman.

Personality & Traits

Alexis, despite being a major motor-head, and motorcross racer, has quite a girly-girl personality. She is a very kind, generous, and nurturing with maternal instincts. She is very social and outgoing, often described as a party girl, very flirtatious.
(She, Her, Hers)

Biographical information




July 28, 2695; Trondheim, Norway (age 29)


En femme

Growth hormone deficiency

Personal details








George Levy (Father)

Heather Prestegard (Mother)


Emma Nicoleson (girlfriend)


Rachel Levy (sister)



Gender Identity





5 ft. 4 inch.





Skin Color


Hair color


Eye color


Political Views

Pure democrat



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