Malum Geographic Location in Interstellar Echoes | World Anvil
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Malum's surface is rocky and cavernous, with deep crevices and expansive subterranean networks. Bioluminescent fungi provide the primary source of light.


Malum is home to creatures adapted to darkness, including blind fauna that navigate using echolocation in the moon's intricate cave systems.

Ecosystem Cycles

The moon experiences periodic bioluminescent blooms, illuminating its caverns and influencing the mating behaviors of its subterranean inhabitants.


Malum has a stable temperature due to its subterranean nature, providing a consistent environment for its unique ecosystem.

Fauna & Flora

Bioluminescent fungi and adapted subterranean creatures dominate Malum, showcasing the diversity of life in the moon system.
© 2023 R. Frerksen
Alternative Name(s)
Umbral Enigma
Planetoid / Moon
Location under


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