Astrea Geographic Location in Interstellar Echoes | World Anvil
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Astrea's surface is covered in golden deserts, with crystalline structures that reflect Thrydor's bands. Mysterious floating islands hover above the barren terrain.


Astrea hosts hardy organisms adapted to extreme aridity, including golden-hued creatures that blend seamlessly with the landscape.

Ecosystem Cycles

Occasional dust storms sweep across Astrea, reshaping the desert and influencing the migration patterns of its fauna.

Localized Phenomena

The Golden Mirage, an optical illusion created by the interplay of sunlight and reflective crystals, captivates observers during certain astronomical alignments.


Astrea experiences scorching temperatures during its solar zenith, while frigid nights bring a stark contrast to the golden landscape.

Fauna & Flora

Unique, heat-resistant flora and fauna have evolved to thrive in Astrea's harsh conditions, showcasing the resilience of life in the Akatran system.

Natural Resources

The crystalline structures in Astrea's deserts hold rare minerals coveted for advanced technological applications.
© 2023 R. Frerksen
Alternative Name(s)
Golden Arbiter
Planetoid / Moon
Location under


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