Inside the bag Stopping the Raids

Stopping the Raids

Military action


Party goes to stop raids on the road to the dunes.

The party expl;ores the Daylight Library, finding out a lot about the world they are in. Astonished by the price of entry, they decide they need to get some money. They head down to the bounty board in Stonesthrow. After a brief encounter meeting Erebos and Turing, another group that work bounties, the party set off to stop a series of raids on scavengers traveling the road between the Dunes and Feast.   The party kills the group of raiders, who turn out to be draconians in disguise. They find a note instructing the raiders where to get supplies. The party also acquires the draconian's cart and a horse, a rarity in the In-Between. Masquerading as the raid party, they go to the supply drop and allow the drop off team to do their job and check out the supplies once they leave. Dynamo uses Comprehend Languages and finds a note in coded draconian on one of the crates. With a fantastic display of intellect he manages to decode the message. It talks about how the supply camp has been moved. Using the horse-drawn cart they make quick time to the camp. Dynamo flame broils most of the grunts with a few Fireballs before the camp even knows what's going on. This leaves only a handful of survivors and their leader, a large dreadnaught wielding a serrated blade with a magical stone embedded in it. They slay the remaining members of the camp and take the sword, and a few supplies. The sword talks to Lessaris, mentioning her as it's new wielder.

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