Inside the bag Confronting Zevgor

Confronting Zevgor

Military action


The party confronts Zevgor in his lair under the flesh of the world.

The party interrogates a captured draconian and forces them to lead the group to the draconain's base. This happens to also be the current main base for Zevgor himself. The party ambushes the guards outside gets the entrance way open, and releases the captured draconian. They then proceed in slaying dozens and dozens of guards, and when he makes his appearance, Zevgor himself. However Zevgor was using a cloned drow's body, and comes back to life in another part of the base. After the remaining soldiers fail to wrangle the party and also fail to corral them to a space where they had the advantage, Zevgor decides to instead collect up his hoard and flee.   In the aftermath, the party meets the hag again through the possession of Lessaris's body as the hag begins reading Zevgor's collection of books. After an hour the hag returns their body and the party finds a book seemingly detailing a way to fight the devourer.   Yasmeen finally decides to attune and join with the Narhethi creating a bond between then and giving Yasmeen additional powers.

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