The Pit Building / Landmark in Inside the Bag | World Anvil

The Pit


This room features a large 20ft wide, 60ft deep pit. The workers butcher the corpses they find in the Dumping Room each day and throw the meat into the pit. They discard the skins back in the Dumping Room.   At the bottom of the bit is one of the Devourer's Maws. It opens occasionally, swallowing around a 10ft tall section of meat each time. This usually only happens once or twice a day.


The only entrance is a thick wooden door with a lock leading to the Dumping Room. Sog has the key.

Sensory & Appearance

The room smells strongly of blood.


Two orcs named Urug and Bilge work alongside an ogre name Sog.

Contents & Furnishings

There are a number of worktables for the team to use in their duties.
Room, Common, Workshop
Connected Rooms


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