Siada Tradition / Ritual in Inqaa | World Anvil
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Day of Sovereignty


This is a celebration of the first day Adira, the Founder came to Inqaa (before it was even named that). The day she saved al-Nahr and the whole land from being destroyed by The Plague and all those affected by it. It is the day when Sovereignty was brought to the people of the island, when Adira came forth, and proclaimed herself their leader. Of course, in this day and age, many moons AA, nobody mentions al-Nahr - only that Adira was protecting them from the Plague, that this became the only safe place on the planet - because al-Nahr is myth, after all. So, now, Saleh, al Malik, al Ealia proclaims it to be a day of freedom, liberation, protection, and, above all, sovereignty. He protects his people, so they must obey him, at all costs.

Components and tools

Blue silk is everywhere. People wrap it around their necks, wear it as a sash, wear it in their hair, make costumes out of it. The kingdom turns royal blue for the day. Some wear blue across their eyes to honour the malika, though never for too long, because one can't enjoy the festivities without seeing them. Wow rude. What about the malika? Damn insensitive people. Anyone seen without it will be deemed a usurper, and tried for treason, and treachery. The kingdom flag is a square of royal blue with a lion's head as a symbol of strength, and alpha-power - symbolising that nobody can take the kingdom from them. After all, who dare challenge a lion? - and that flag is flown more on this day than on any other. Flown from flagstaffs around the city centre, in shop fronts, nailed to carts and stalls. Food is turned blue for the occasion - using dye from blueberries, anything that can be dyed is dyed. There are market stalls set up all around the kingdom - people selling all kinds of wares, food, entertainment. There are fortune-tellers, and magic acts, and dancers. There's music floating all throughout the land, and dance floors set up all over the place.


In the middle of the day, halfway through festivities, the Royal Parade happens, where the royal family, along with high-seated nobles, parade the city streets. They march from al-Qasr and make a turn of the entire city. People stand and watch and cheer, and wave their blue silk, throw flowers, and chant their names - thanking them for salvation. The parade ends back at the Palace, where the royals retire inside, only to emerge on the balcony, where Saleh, al Malik, al Ealia makes a speech about how they're all so lucky, blah blah blah. He then wishes them a happy Siada, and he's seen no more, because he's partying inside. And the streets go wild. al-Madina is bustling until late into the night, and early into the morning. The next day, the kingdom is a dead world.


It happens every year on the same day. Liberation doesn't change dates.

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