Razi, the Anxious Character in Inqaa | World Anvil
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Razi, the Anxious

Razi ibn Inqaa (a.k.a. Raz)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Razi is fit, and agile. He doesn't weigh much, and has to always be ready to help. He doesn't get sick a lot, though he's always a bit sneezy - because dust is everywhere. Doesn't take much space. Small hands, small feet, slim build.

Body Features

He has calloused fingers, and scrapes and bruises that appear on his body out of nowhere - mostly his arms and hands. Sometimes his face. He is small and nimble.

Facial Features

The sharpness of his chin and facial structure is softened by the roundness, and air of curiosity, of his eyes. His ears stick out, and are prominent beneath his curly black hair. His skin is lined from work in the sun, and a non-existent skincare routine. His face is almost always ruddy, and a bit dusty. Comes with the workload.

Physical quirks

He is shorter than average, with small shoulders, and a hunched posture. He doesn't walk confidently about with his shoulders back and head high. He is left-handed. When he is anxious, he wrings the front of his shirt. He has a lot of wrinkled shirts. He also paces. Nerves radiate off him.

Apparel & Accessories

Baggy pants, clogs, simple vest, and a turban (only to be worn on official duty - Razi's never stays put on his head, always haphazard, and his curls are always poking out).

Specialized Equipment

Razi isn't given any weapons, because he is naught but a palace servant. But he does have one thing - a magnifying glass. So he can inspect window sills and floors for dust or tiny rubbish. Gotta keep things clean! His contraband are the map and compass of Basil al-Azim that he picks up at the beginning of the adventure.

Mental characteristics


His education was not his parents' priority. They were fighting a rebellion, and they would only make him do what they needed him to do. After his parents were out of the picture, he was put in a weekly education program, as part of the servant's schooling - for any of the employees who never got to go to school. It was only once a week, and didn't cover much. So, Razi's education isn't incredibly impressive. He isn't dumb - only less learned than others. He is also inexperienced, and hasn't seen much.


Has been employed at The Palace since before he could even remember. Is given tasks all over the place - from the kitchens, to the gardens, to the stables.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Razi doesn't have very many goals, he isn't very ambitious. He can't see his life changing from Palace life. He'll be a servant for life. That's what he thinks. He isn't bad at his work, but he isn't exceptionally good either.

Mental Trauma

Both his parents, apparently, to his knowledge, died when they went through the kingdom walls to the desert wastes beyond. They'd left him on the doorstep of the Palace because they couldn't risk his life. So he is an orphan, and that of course is a hard way to live - with the knowledge that he's missing the one thing everyone says you need - a set of parents that care about you. He is an anxious person, always worrying, always scared that maybe everything is going to get just a bit worse. When his mother was pregnant with him, the rebellion was around, and she transferred her own fears and trepidation on to him. His mind is all over the place. He has generalised anxiety disorder, and catastrophises everything.

Morality & Philosophy

A good person, through and through. Completely lawful good, more than anything. He only cares about what is right. And will even brave his anxieties in favour of doing what is right.

Personality Characteristics


He really just wants to belong somewhere, to feel like his life is actually leading somewhere, and not just down a road of monotony, and servitude.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely tidy, organised, the Palace's go-to organiser, almost.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves a good sleep. Never seems to get one. Although he is anxious, and a little hopeless, he doesn't find it hard to enjoy things. He can push away his own problems and enjoy a meal with someone, or a fun adventure.

Virtues & Personality perks

For all the time he spends in his own head, he is still remarkably good at understanding the needs and unspoken thoughts of others. He is empathetic, and observant. Also very patient, and a good listener. Puts others' needs before his own. He's also very funny - unintentionally so. His melodrama is amusing.

Vices & Personality flaws

He overthinks, a detrimental amount. He can be pessimistic, melodramatic, hopeless.

Personality Quirks

Wrings the front of his shirt when anxious, or overthinking. Can be prone to wringing the shirt of whoever's close by too. Scoffs a lot. He's always scoffing.


Always clean, as a servant can be. And cares very much about tidiness and organisation. It calms his racing mind, to have things in order.


Family Ties

His parents went and died long before he knew them, and they left him at the Palace, which means they can't have had any other family.

Religious Views

He follows the religion of the one God, like everybody else. He performs his prayers, gives in the name of God, and hopes for a better second life.

Social Aptitude

Razi is shy and socially awkward. He's not sure how he got Zaria, Heiress of Inqaa to call him her best friend. He can't speak in front of large crowds, his confidence is not that impressive. He can stand his ground, and if he's known you long enough, you can see the real him - a snarky, worried boy, who'll scoff at you all day, while also making you feel heard and seen.


He gesticulates with his hands when he talks. Often because his speech is always melodramatic, and calls for big gestures. He wrings his hands, his shirt, anything in reach when nervous. He is small, so perhaps the gesticulating is him compensating for his size. He is used to being overlooked, ignored.

Hobbies & Pets

Likes reading stories. They help him escape his dreary life. But most of the time, he's either working or with Zaria. And she always takes the lead on adventures, and conversations. So he really just tags along. Which is fine, he thinks. Since he doesn't really have much to offer, save his company.


He has a soft voice, can be a bit whiny at times. Often says "That's not a good idea" or variations of that. Even sometimes before hearing the idea. Always asks why - because he needs all the information. Has a slight stutter, born from years of not being sure anyone is actually listening anyway.

Wealth & Financial state

Razi has no wealth. Only the meager dinar he makes a week working at the palace. And that isn't much. But it's also okay. He doesn't have much to spend it on anyway. His living quarters and the food he eats and the bath he uses are all free of charge - they come with the job. Of course they aren't luxurious, but it's much better than nothing. So he saves the coins he makes. Maybe one day it'll be enough to make a life of his own, outside the Palace walls.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1184 AA 16 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Razi was born in the midst of a rebellion. His parents wanted to change the world, and they involved him, too early, too soon. Nothing worked in their favour, and before long, he was left orphaned.
Grey, round, wide
Curly, black, a little wild
50 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"This is the end of the world." Specifically when it's quite clearly not the end of the world.

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