Mother Tosi Character in Inom | World Anvil
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Mother Tosi

Mother Demetria Tosi

Founding and leading a cult is never as easy as it sounds, especially if one is slow to believe in the magic of her own creation. Demetria Tosi, an ex-con of whale shark stock, just wanted to stay forever knocked-up and be worshiped like a goddess all the while. So taking on the title "Mother", she founded Inom's Cradles in the southwestern slums of Thriving-- the first space she could find room and neighborhood tolerance enough to grow the clam yucca, beefstack bracket, and schlicker's textbook that she had procured for her own cultivation.   Inom's Cradles were barely more than farmhands for to grow the assorted fungi for their farm boss of a Mother until a miracle happened-- Mother Tosi managed to bear a hybrid child with a Redspawn mercenary who happened to be in town, despite the incompatibility of their species. Cinder, as the Sacred Daughter was named, brought fame, renown, and most critically, honest believers to the cult. And Mother Tosi couldn't help but believe as well, especially after giving birth to even more such hybrids with other species.

Divine Domains

Fertility, the Vagina, and motherhood

Holy Books & Codes

The lore of the cult is fledgling; it's still mostly worship of its leader and of the body part she has chosen to represent. What does exist in oral tradition goes like this:   Mother Tosi (or just Tosi) attests that she is the current incarnation of the goddess who birthed every species in the universe, and though her powers are limited whilst walking among her children, she is still capable of great things, such as bearing a child combining two planetarily different species. Her objective is to personally bear trillions of children before it becomes time to return to her dominion in outer space, and those children shall spread her word. When her form does die (betrayed by her children because she is, of course, immortal otherwise) she will let her progeny go as all mothers must, create a new species, and walk among them. Tosi claims to have established a cult on Earth and none can really dispute her, but predicted the events that would bring her to Inom and so, through great pain, fled her first generation to go birth a second.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The vagina makes its way into most of Inom's Cradles' iconography, especially when it has two clits at the top. They also like to decorate with statues of heavily-pregnant women who are also nursing infants. Super-abstracted yonic shapes appear as less attention-worthy embellishment.   The primary symbol, of course-- the unmistakable logo-- is a much more detailed stencil or metal casting of one of Mother Tosi's vaginas. Thanks to her use of clam yucca, beefstack bracket, and blunted beak, there are no other famous people whose individual muffs resemble hers.

Tenets of Faith

Tosi's Rules form the law of the Muffs District. The big two and their corollaries are as follows: 1. Do not willfully hurt the child, no matter emotionally or physically, no matter yours or your neighbor's, no matter youthful nor older. 1a. Unless you must bring her pain to keep the child from hurting others. But be merciful. 2. Do as the mother says, no matter yours or your chapter's, no matter simple or complex. 2a. Unless to obey would bring unnecessary pain to a child. Do not forget that you are also a child.   They need some finer tuning, but luckily, a goddess is allowed to change her mind.


Around once a month, a baby is born. This is, in the Muffs District, Bell Day. Because the bells are constantly ringing.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She wants to make babies and live like a goddess until the day she dies. This is true and known.   Secretly, she does not want her mundane origins revealed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thanks to Anicoja's mutagens, Mother Tosi's body is one that only somewhat resembles what it looked like on her arrival to Inom. Unlike the other CoHO leaders, Mother Tosi has focused on modding more than just the asset of her cult. Some see the others as grotesque for being absurd exaggerations of one specific body part, but they see Tosi as grotesque for how little she resembles the sharkmaid she is.

Body Features

Demetria Tosi was once a typical sharkmaid of the whale shark pattern. Perhaps wider of hips, more swollen of breasts, and more oblong of belly than most thanks to her near-perpetual state of pregnancy, but otherwise rather normal.   After she became Mother Tosi, however, she made numerous changes to her body, both out of fascination with the Wildcard's Diet and in order to cultivate the appearance of a mother, whatever it means to be a mother to her anymore. She's dined on the goliath's measuring tapes's seeds (though she could only acquire them already-cooked, so she couldn't grow them for herself), more than doubling her original height (though not so much the height of her children). Similarly, she's sampled, but not personally grown, the nurse's teardrop (now possessing two racks; three breasts up top and four below), Sulabha's cherrymelon (said breasts could fill maybe a Q cup bra if being conservative with the textiles), weeping chickpea (only two nips per breast; not that unusual), milk acorn (they're big enough to cork a wine bottle, though), blunted beak (just one extra clit beside the regular each), and the empress-of-hearts (she needed room for all her vaginas).   She has, however, been able to successfully grow her own supply of schlicker's textbook, clam yucca, beefstack bracket, and buzzberry vines. She holds the Anicojan record for number of vaginas on one person, proudly boasting her twenty (three rows; eight on top, seven in the middle, five on the bottom) by scheduling an inception at the beginning of every month, with the five slots at the bottom reserved for special occasions or for the habitation of members.   In review: she's seventeen feet tall and has twenty vaginas with two clits each, seven twice-nippled Q-ish cup breasts, and hips about as wide as two and a half unmodified merfolk. Oh, and, in keeping with the surname, her body is shaven of hair.

Facial Features

But at the top of that modded-out pile of flesh, sits a perfectly normal whale shark's head, curtained by golden hair and ever-smiling. The only sign of her age, thanks to the forever-youthful mods spread throughout practically the entire human gene pool, is the crow's feet by her deep blue eyes.

Identifying Characteristics

She has two faded tattoos, both from her time as a pirate: one seldom seen and the other perpetually stretched out of proportion. On her belly is the secret family crest she cooked up that, originally, only her family knew what it meant. She'd cover it up when she joined in on the seizure of goods. On her back is truly a dated relic-- an image of an antiquated dreadnought (for water, not space) with a cut-away depicting a fetus incubating inside.   She also has a fresh tattoo, on the flesh between her belly and her bouquet of flowers. It says, in bright gold lettering, "Have no Tears; Momma's Here", as though consoling infants who can't even read yet or entreating onlookers to relieve their stresses through her.

Physical quirks

Giving birth approximately once a month, she frequently has up to ten or so of her kids nursing at a time. And as big as she is and as many children she both incubates and nurses, she needs to eat frequently. Her followers must prepare her a vegetarian feast every half hour. She refuses to eat flesh.   When she's ambling about without her walker, she can be heard huffing. When most of one's body weight is in pregnancy, moving without support does that to one.

Apparel & Accessories

Mother Tosi hasn't worn any clothing besides the occasional piece of jewelry or headwear in a little more than two decades. Definitely not once she became a revolving door of pregnancies. She doesn't wear shoes when she wanders the Temple and gardens, since she has her followers sweep the ground of debris before her.

Specialized Equipment

Fotrunately, unlike other CoHO leaders, Mother Tosi is mobile enough to take walks around her bedroom, temple, and even gardens if she's feeling antsy. Unfortunately, she usually need to use a walker if she's gonna be up for at least a couple minutes, lest the sheer weight of her pregnancies exhaust her and tip her onto her front. She doesn't like her walker, since it makes her look enfeebled (thanks to the absence of age-induced mortality, walkers are not associated with the elderly in this era), but she understands its necessity. It's steel-cored, finished with clear-lacquered hardwood, and decoratively studded with rhodochrosite. It's designed to telescope enough that if she put on three more feet and hit that twenty milestone, or somehow shrunk down to only fifteen feet, she'd still be able to use it without stooping.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Demetria Tosi was a loving, forever-single mother to an irresponsibly large number of children. This happens when one's most prominent fetish is to be pregnant and to be pregnant requires one eventually give birth. Tosi could not legitimately support her progeny, and so turned her family to space crime. Tosi's Terrors were a notorious pirate crew in their system, endeavoring to spare the lives of their victims but bleeding them dry of their goods.   It was because the Terrors never left their home system that they met their downfall. System authorities seized their ship whilst it was docked on the most populous planet in the system, and rounded every single one of them up from the bars and clubs all across its capital city. However, thanks to some legal finessing, only Demetria Tosi was sent to an inter-system prison. The rest were sent to planetary prisons and jails for much shorter times.   Of course, the prison shuttle obviously never escorted Tosi to the intended prison. Instead, it delivered her to Inom and stripped her of all old family. It crushed her heart to the point that she'd have probably starved were it not for a charitable zao that took her in and nurtured her while she coped. Once she was ready to start living again and was semi-fluent in Scainsa, she accepted the zao's offer to teach her the forager's art.   One subject that came up quite often in their lessons were the entries of the Wildcard's Diet. Tosi had not experimented much with mutagens before Inom due to the ever-present threat of miscarriage that every one of their labels warned about, but she was certainly tempted to try a few now, since she'd kinda been traumatized into setting her pregnancy fetish aside (and the Wildcard's Diet doesn't impact pregnancy all that much).   As the years went by, she managed to discover a few wild specimens of numerous plants and fungaloids at the Wildcard's Diet and preserve their seeds and spores for replanting. She'd also sampled these pieces of nature's bounty herself and personally born witness to their effects. Needless to say, if you know who she's become; she was quite excited to make many of these plants into regular parts of her diet, and personally ready to return to motherhood. All she needed was farmland and some helpers...


She'll bone down with anyone of any species so long as they can get her pregnant. If you can't get one or more of her wombs pregnant, you're wasting your time.


Standard high school and a degree in something she never used.


Mother Tosi has worked many jobs. She used to work legitimately at an office, but that just couldn't support her childbearing habit, so she quit to become a space pirate captain. She was jobless after that fell through, due to being arrested, convicted, and sent on a shuttle that Inom intercepted.   Her current position was attained by first studying under a forager to become a forager herself, and then building a cult with herself as its goddess. That wish that the Brier caught wind of didn't hurt either.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was quite proud of her old family, but she's even prouder of the new family she's established as Inom's Cradles.

Failures & Embarrassments

Getting sent to prison fucking sucked, but Mother Tosi also regrets having spent so long coping with her loss and rejecting the wonders of Inom.

Mental Trauma

Being mostly sedentary for the past two decades hasn't been the best for her state of mind.

Personality Characteristics


Though she started just wanting to be pregnant and treated like a goddess, she cares strongly for the girls of her cult (many of which are her children) and believes that, whether or not she's actually a goddess or somehow got her miraculous capabilities from a higher power, she has an obligation to put her power to its fullest use.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's got a knack for interior design and fashion. Though she can't make the furniture and clothing she designs, she can certainly commission new decor for the temple and new outfits for her cult according to her sketches. She also has the force of personality required to maintain a loyal cult.   She's bad at anything that requires physical movement, though. Even if you took away her ten-plus pregnancies and numerous other mutations, she's rusty.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves: pregnancy, children, the bearer system, her cult, her powers Likes: fashion, interior design, fresh air, her memories as a forager, the Taps Overflowing Dislikes: drinking alcohol, her memories of the Jailbreak, the pain of remembering her old family, the Church of the Fountain of Rebirth Hates: those who'd hurt children

Virtues & Personality perks

Mother Tosi is, as ought to come with the title of "Mother", very caring and supportive. She's also charitable, offering any visitor to drink from her taps alongside any daughters she's nursing and also placing second among the big four CoHOs when it comes to devoting money to the betterment of her district of the slums.

Vices & Personality flaws

Well, she's practically addicted to sex, refuses to temper and neglect her pregnancy fetish, and nurses an addiction to mutagens (particularly the schlicker's textbook). Fortunately, she's in a position where her core vices don't get in the way all that much.

Personality Quirks

She still laughs coarsely and, in private, speaks quite crudely, in true pirate captain fashion.


Though her attendants keep her quarters immaculate, It's impossible to keep her nethers and breasts clean of caked-on muff-juice, milk, and other fluids.


Contacts & Relations

She's praised by the citizenry of the Muff's district but maintains a heated rivalry with the Church of the Fountain of Rebirth.

Family Ties

She has.... many daughters. Many. Both before the Jailbreak and post-. The ones she's borne into the world of Anicoja make up most of Inom's Cradles's youth. Only a handful of her children are adults, however. None of her adult kids have left the cult, though Cinder has been drifting away, caught between her heritages.   It's a worry to her if her grandchildren will also be hybrids of species that don't combine.

Religious Views

She's a self-appointed goddess, and though her ability to believe in that varies throughout the month, it cannot be denied that she is capable of a miracle and cannot explain that. It might be her innate divinity or a higher power who doesn't spurn the player of pretend, but either way, she's grateful for it and won't let it go to waste.

Social Aptitude

Mother Tosi's public persona is the more composed version of motherly than her private, frank self. When she gives her speeches from her balcony and entertains guests, she gives off an air of knowledgeability. Of course, she's also flirtatious as all hell, especially when one-on-one, even while maintaining her public persona.

Hobbies & Pets

When she's not busy eating, nursing, or fucking, Mother Tosi likes to think about the design of the temple and the fashion of her cult.


Mother Tosi

Mother (Vital)

Towards Cinder Tosi



Cinder Tosi

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Mother Tosi




Cinder is the first hybrid daughter of Mother Tosi, and her whole existence has been the source of much media attention and a lot of stress for Cinder, being split between two species. Tosi does love all her children, though, even if she has so many to keep track of and is often so busy tending to the current ones she's nursing. Cinder's also had a harder time getting immersed in her mother's cult, her custody tossed between the Redspawn and Inom's Cradles every five months.

Relationship Reasoning

One of them gave birth to the other.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have some artistic and design talent.

Legal Status

Though the circumstances which brought Cinder into this world were perfectly fine, Inom's Cradles and the Redspawn had some pitched arguments over who should get Cinder, finally agreeing they'd each have her five months before swapping custody.

Mother Tosi

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Font Ariane



Font Ariane

Rival (Important)

Towards Mother Tosi




They're not at war. They've never been at war. They just dislike each other's guts. Their districts are on opposite sides of town, Mother Tosi doesn't care overmuch about the rivalry, and Font Ariane's girls are too busy tending to their needy ruler, policing the town, and ritually sacrificing themselves to really organize into a war party. But they could never be cool with each other again.

Relationship Reasoning

Cults surrounding muffs and schlongs don't tend to get along the best to begin with, but Font Ariane, misunderstanding one of Tosi's comments on how they're running out of space to live and not being aware that Tosi's kids grew up slow due to not actually being able to go to the Muffs District, offered to alleviate these issues the only way she knows how.   Not only did the implications infuriate Mother Tosi, but even after understanding what Ariane meant, she now knew that ritual sacrifice to the Font's cock was central to the Church's operations, and she just didn't care for that none. Ariane, meanwhile, still remembered the descriptive and distinctly crude message she got as a response and still hasn't let that sleight on her ego slide.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They're both important cult leaders. That's about it.

Legal Status

Even if they did go to war, the only ones who are going to try to stop them or join in are the other big cults.

Mother Tosi

Friend (Important)

Towards Mother Maddie Tinskin



Mother Maddie Tinskin

Friend (Vital)

Towards Mother Tosi




Even though nursing is such common iconography among Inom's Cradles, there's no sense that one cult's trying to out-tit the other. In truth, they're friends, having met in-person before either of them were grotesque mockeries of the merfolk form. They've kept their correspondence up via the mail system ever since they both rendered themselves house-bound, and Maddie even sends Tosi some of her cooked or brewed crop as a gift every now and then. It's how Tosi equipped herself to breastfeed so many kids at a time. In turn, Tosi's happy to give Maddie some advice on running a cult and has even offered to merge their pantheons somehow, which Maddie respectfully declined for the moment.

Relationship Reasoning

They hit it off before either of them even really considered founding a cult. Tosi was a forager and Maddie was a hedonist looking to explore mutagens now that she actually had money and power. Tosi helped Maddie acquired the breast-affecting members of the Wildcard's Diet for Maddie and they've been happy to help each other ever since.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have a fondness for using their breasts to feed people, though the reasons why differ. They're also cult leaders, obviously.

Shared Secrets

The both know that the other was once a normal woman with no actual claim to divinity.

Legal Status

Tosi and Maddie's friendship causes no problems for the other factions of Thriving, so it goes uncontested.

Beet-Red Mother

Competing Custodian (Trivial)

Towards Mother Tosi



Mother Tosi

Competing Custodian (Important)

Towards Beet-Red Mother




When Cinder Tosi was born, a rule of biology was broken. Two planetarily different species had borne a hybrid. Beet-Red didn't care about that much, though. This kiddo was Redspawn, and thus she deserved a Redspawn upbringing. Mother Tosi, meanwhile, did not want her fucking daughter stolen from her.   Normally, when arguing over custody, her opponents had been quick to cave. Not so with Tosi. Tosi was unyielding and Beet-Red could sense there was more to the cultist mother than a mutation-enfeebled Wildcard addict. Though Inom's Cradles wouldn't be too much of a threat as an enemy, they wouldn't be worth bothering with. They eventually settled on passing Cindy between them every five months, though Mother Tosi has expressed that she still thinks this arrangement has been too generous to the Redspawn.   Cinder's now an adult and can technically do as she pleases. However, paralyzed by indecision, she continues to abide by the five month plan.

Relationship Reasoning

If they'd gone to war, there'd be lots of blood and wasted womanpower, which neither party wanted. Neither side could cave, as that would be cruel to their daughter. This was probably the best solution possible.

Shared Secrets

Beet-Red senses that, despite Mother Tosi's miracle muff, Tosi isn't as divine as she says she is and could easily dredge up something more substantial if she cared to. Tosi knows that Beet-Red is suspicious of her.

Legal Status

The custody terms are not bound by law, only by mutual agreement. Since Cinder's an adult now, they have less power over Cindy too.

Wealth & Financial state

Being the absolute authority of her cult, she owns what they own. Since Inom's Cradles are one of the top suppliers of triplebuzz wine & brandy on the market, her income is quite a lot. However, much of that income goes straight towards the Muffs District's maintenance and the commission of new decor for the temple. Still, in an emergency, Inom's Cradles have some raw buying power at their disposal. Moreover, the mutagens they stockpile can be offloaded quickly (although less ethically than they'd prefer).
Divine Classification
Self-Appointed Goddess
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mother of Inom's Cradles (not genetically mother to all, but certainly to many)
Year of Birth
39 BMF 71 Years old
Current Residence
Her Temple of Fertility in the Muffs District
Bearer (twenty functional sets)
Deep blue, crow-footed, and welcoming
Lemony blonde, cascading down her back in waves
17'3'', thanks to her mutations
Really heavy
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
She speaks English natively, but can also speak Scainsa somewhat fluently.

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